
December 28, 2015

Heat Treating The Gear Industry AGMA Industry News

AGMA Releases Latest Newsletter

New AGMA Publications

The AGMA Technical Division has announced the publication of a number of new standards: The new revision of ANSI/AGMA 6002-C15 "Design Guide for Vehicle Spur and Helical Gears" along with the publication of its metric equivalent, ANSI/AGMA 6102-C15 "Design Guide for Vehicle Spur and Helical Gears (Metric Edition)" and the new standard ANSI/AGMA 2015-2-B15, Gear Tooth Flank Tolerance Classification System - Definitions and Allowable Values of Double Flank Radial Composite Deviations."

AGMA member representatives were made aware of these new documents to download your member copy. If you have any further questions, contact AGMA at 703-684-0211.

 2016 Fall Technical Meeting - Call for Abstracts

The AGMA Fall Technical Meeting highlights the new and up-and-coming active research and development in the gear industry. Much of the research presented will become the next innovations that appear on shop floors.

Experts will have the opportunity to present the results of their work to an audience of knowledgeable professionals from the United States and around the world, and to participate in discussions with that audience.

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Deadline for submission is January 15, 2016.

AGMA/ABMA 2016 Annual Meeting - Come Celebrate 100 Years!

Join us for the AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting May 12-14, 2016 at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort on Amelia Island, FL. Both associations will be marking their 100th anniversaries at this event.

Keynote Speakers Include David Gergen, Editor at Large, U.S. News & World Report, Rudy Giuliani, 107th Mayor New York City (1993-2001), Jim Miel, Principal, ACT Research, Michael Reader, President, Precision Plus, Inc. and William Strauss, Economic Advisor, Federal Reerve Bank of Chicago

Be Part of the Discussion

AGMA sends out an email every Tuesday containing pertinent manufacturing and gear industry news pulled right from current headlines. If you don't currently receive this email and would like to, please send a note to doran@agma.org.

The email is currently distributed to over 6,500 individuals in our industry. Advertising is available.


Gear Materials: Selection, Metallurgy, Heat Treatment and Quality Control

February 24-26, 2016  |  Clearwater Beach, FL  |  $1,895.00


The design of an optimum gear set requires the coordinated effort of the gear design engineer, the gear metallurgist and the bearing system engineer. The instructors of this course are a gear design engineer and a metallurgist who have worked collaboratively on projects for more than 40 years. Learn the roles of each of these professionals and how collaborative efforts can provide better outcomes. Additional information on gear-related problems, failures, and improved processing procedures will be reviewed.

Management and Technical Workers Wage and Benefits Survey

Talent retention remains employers' top HR priority and salary may not be the only thing that determines your employees' satisfaction on the job. But it's certainly one of the most important factors when it comes to recruiting the best people and convincing them to stay on board.

It's crucial to ensure that the compensation you offer is competitive with that of other companies in the gear industry. For that reason, every organization should periodically benchmark its salaries. To help AGMA members do just that, AGMA is conducting the Management and Technical Workers Wage and Benefits Survey.

To obtain information of this level of detail requires absolute confidentiality in the reporting process. No one from AGMA or its staff will have access to any of the information. All questionnaires are returned directly to the Mackay Research Group, the research company conducting the survey on behalf of AGMA.

Survey deadline December 31. The survey is for U.S. gear manufacturers. Contact Jill Johnson, jill.johnson@agma.org for a copy of the survey.

 Job Postings

AGMA members may post as many jobs as they need to post throughout the year. There is no limit. Postings stay up on the AGMA website for two months unless otherwise stated by the member.

Current job posts include:

Experienced Gear Design/Manufacturing Engineer - Great Lakes Industry, Inc.

Sales Engineer - Riley Gear Corporation

International Strategic Marketing Manager - Sumitomo Drive Technologies

Product Manager - Sumitomo Drive Technologies

Designer II - Sumitomo Drive Technologies

Product Engineer - Sumitomo Drive Technologies

Production Engineer II - Sumitomo Drive Technologies

Order Entry Processor - Overton Chicago Gear

Gear Cutter Operator - Overton Chicago Gear

Process Engineer/Lean Leader - Crown Precision/Sun Gear (Overton Chicago Gear)

Vice President Sales and Marketing - Overton Chicago Gear

CNC OD ID Grinder - Arrow Gear Company

CNC Spiral Gear Grinder - Arrow Gear Company

Quality Engineer - Arrow Gear Company

Quality Control Inspector - Triumph Gear Systems

Manufacturing Engineer - Triumph Gear Systems

Program Manager - Triumph Gear Systems
