AGMA FTM 2022 Call for Papers
Each year, authors selected by AGMA write peer-reviewed technical papers on topics relevant to the gear industry. These may include subject matter related to: design and analysis; manufacturing and quality; materials, metallurgy, and heat treatment; operation, maintenance, and efficiency; and gear failure. The authors have the opportunity to present the results of their work at the Fall Technical Meeting to an audience of knowledgeable engineering professionals from the United States and around the world. Papers should be on relevant technical subjects, original to the AGMA audience (not a paper that has been previously published in its submitted form), technically accurate, and free of commercialism. All papers presented at FTM will be indexed in Scopus, the international database of peer-reviewed literature. The deadline to submit papers for AGMA's 2022 FTM in Chicago is January 14, 2022.