
May 23, 2018

The Gear Industry AGMA Industry News

Highlights from the 2018 AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting

More than 300 executives gathered in late April to connect and network with peers at the 2018 AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting in Naples, Florida. Here are some of the highlights during the event:  

Lifetime Achievement Award

The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) presented David Goodfellow, president of Star SU, with the AGMA Lifetime Achievement award. This award is presented to someone who has demonstrated dedication and leadership for the advancement of the gear industry and AGMA, exemplified superior vision and exceptional knowledge that has been shared with colleagues and achieved admiration and respect of peers.

"David has gone above and beyond for the gear industry and has been a true leader to all of us in manufacturing," said James Bregi, chairman of the AGMA Board of Directors. "He has generously given his time and resources to help in the advancement of AGMA and its members."

Goodfellow began his career in gears after serving in the U.S. Army and attending Syracuse University. He was eventually named president of American Pfauter in 1981. Most notably, Goodfelllow was instrumental in the introduction of the wafer hob concept and the advancement of high-speed gear hobbing while with American Pfauter and Pfauter Maag Cutting Tools.

"David's name is synonymous with expertise and leadership in our industry worldwide," Jeff Lawton of Star Cutter Company noted in his nomination. "For nearly 50 years, David has impacted those around him as a colleague and mentor and most importantly, as a leader."

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Goodfellow was part of the visionary leaders in the creation of the Gear Expo tradeshow. Additionally, he has been an ambassador to the international companies assisting in the transition of AGMA to becoming a global leader for gear manufacturers. 

Chairman’s Award

The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) presented Jack Masseth of Meritor, Inc., with the AGMA Chairman's award. This award is presented to a recipient that has contributed greatly to the gear industry and has gone above and beyond the call of duty to support innovation and advancement through AGMA. 

Masseth graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology in Mechanical Engineering and began his career at The Gleason Works. After 13 years of applications engineering he moved to Dana in Fort Wayne, Indiana and work for 14 years as chief engineer, gear engineering and development. From there he moved to American Axle and Manufacturing and then to his current position at Meritor.

"Jack is a great example of what this award represents," said Bregi."His dedication to the gear industry and leadership throughout the years to AGMA is something we all hope to strive for."

Masseth is an active member on the Vehicle Gearing Committee, Gear Efficiency Committee, the Gear Accuracy Committee and the Emerging Technology Committee. Jack was also instrumental in helping AGMA begin the Strategic Resource Network or SRN. This group has played an important part in attracting new leaders to AGMA.

Next Generation Award

The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) presented Maeve McGoff, sales and marketing coordinator at Cincinnati Gearing Systems, with the AGMA Next Generation award. This award is presented to someone who, while early in their career, is an emerging contributor, innovator and leader in the gear industry. A Next Generation award recipient demonstrates hard work and acts as a role model for others while having a positive impact on AGMA.

McGoff has seven years in the gear industry and has excelled in bringing a strong online presence to her company through re-branding, graphic design and video. Her energy and determination to bring innovation to manufacturing has been demonstrated through her active role in attending AGMA events and working to deliver value in modern platforms through social media and digital marketing.

"Her advertising and promotional methods not only informs and delivers value in a factual sense, they are also creative and appealing for a common consumer," explained Patrick Potter, director of sales with Cincinnati Gearing Systems.


"Maeve has brought Cincinnati Gearing systems to the forefront of modern marketing. . .it is easier for CGS to connect to the younger generation and hopefully close the age gap in the workforce."

McGoff will be joining AGMA committees and has already provided many photos for AGMA events and the epicyclic committee.

The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) also announced Benjamin Sheen, gear engineering specialist at Eaton—vehicle group has been awarded the AGMA Next Generation award.

Sheen has aided the gear industry through innovative solutions and intellectual property generation, increased gear manufacturing productivity by introducing state-of-the-art processes and mentored young engineers at manufacturing plants and centers for developing the next generation. He was responsible for managing the installation of six robotic lines at Eaton, which increased their manufacturing productivity.

"Ben has been instrumental to advance gear technology within Eaton," Carlos Wink wrote in his nomination. "He is a role model for Eaton's global gear team, inspiring others to follow his steps as an innovator and engineering leader."
Sheen is a member of the AGMA Vehicle Gearing Committee and has taken five courses with AGMA to earn his Advanced Gear Engineering Certificate. Sheen has also presented at the AGMA Fall Technical Meeting where his paper was later published in Gear Technology magazine in July 2016.

AGMA Foundation Receives Donation for Scholarship Award

The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) Foundation received a $100,000 donation from Linda and Bipin Doshi, formerly of Schafer Industries. The announcement to endow a scholarship award through the AGMA Foundation was made to members at the 2018 AGMA/ABMA Annual Meeting in Naples, Florida last week. The $100,000 donation is the largest single gift ever received in the AGMA Foundation’s 22 year history. The Doshis have been very active leaders with AGMA and AGMA Foundation Boards for many years.

With this endowment, the AGMA Foundation will annually grant a, “Linda and Bipin Doshi Scholarship” to a top scholarship applicant. The AGMA Foundation annually grants scholarships to students who are planning in a career in the gear industry, or in power transmission as it relates to the gear industry. Technical/Associate level students are eligible for $2,500 scholarship awards, while Undergraduate and Graduate students are eligible for $5,000 awards. The first "Linda and Bipin Doshi Scholarship" will be granted in August 2019.

“This generous gift will make a real difference in the lives of many students, and will provide the gear industry with a strong talent pool,” says Cindy Bennett, executive director of the AGMA Foundation. “The future of the AGMA Foundation Scholarship program depends upon the generosity of donors such as Mr. and Mrs. Doshi. The Linda and Bipin Doshi Scholarship Endowment will grow and perpetuate excellence in the gear industry for many years to come.”






