
Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs studied (2011–2016) at: Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH Regensburg), Germany. Since 2016 he has served as a research associate at the Institute of Machine Elements — Gear Research Centre (FZG) of the Technical University of Munich. Fuchs’ expertise is in the influence of nonmetallic inclusions on the tooth root load carrying capacity of gears and the influence of coarse grain on the load carrying capacity of gears.

Articles by Daniel Fuchs


Tooth Root Bending Strength of Shot-Peened Gears Made of High-Purity Steels up to the VHCF Range

Standardized methods, like AGMA 2001-D04 or ISO 6336 for the calculation of the load carrying capacities of gears are intentionally conservative to ensure broad applicability in industrial practice. However, new applications and higher requirements often demand more detailed design calculations nowadays; for example: long operating lives in wind power gearboxes or fewer gear stages and higher speeds in e-mobility applications result in higher load cycles per tooth in a gearbox.

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