Dr. Ulrich Kissling was born in Zurich. He studied Machine Engineering at the Swiss Technical University (ETH). He continued his academic career with a doctorate. In 1981, he started his professional career as calculation engineer in a Gearbox Manufacturing Company in Zurich, continued then as Technical Manager and Managing Director.
As calculation engineer for gearbox design, he started to develop software for gear, bearing and shaft layout. In 1985, he named this software KISSsoft and started to market it. In 1986 the first license was sold. In 1998, he founded his own company, KISSsoft AG, to take care of the software activities. Since then, the staff of KISSsoft AG is growing constantly from three people in 1998 to over 40 in 2022. Today the software is the leading drive train design software, used by more than 3500 companies on all continents.
As a gear expert Dr. Kissling is actively participating in different Work Groups of ISO for the development of international standards.
This paper presented some steps to get more insight into the effect of meshing damping on the dynamic response and noise emission of a two-stage gearbox transmission system. For this purpose, two variants of the model with different gear materials, one with plastic gears and one with steel gears, were considered. Both variants were designed for the same number of cycles of operation with similar root and flank safeties. The forced response analysis of the models was carried out and the exciting reaction bearing forces were calculated to evaluate which model can achieve better NVH characteristics results with lower noise emission from the housing.
Variable loads resulting from a working process, starting process, or operation near a critical speed will cause varying stresses at the gear teeth of a drive system. The magnitude and frequency of these loads depend upon the driven machine, the motor, the dynamic mass elastic properties of the system, and other effects.