
Erik Schmidt

Erik Schmidt has a Bachelor’s degree in journalism from Marquette University. He has a decorated writing history that includes stops at various journalistic enterprises in the Chicagoland area where he covered sports and hyperlocal news. He was assistant editor for both Gear Technology and Power Transmission Engineering from 2014-2015.

Articles by Erik Schmidt


Solving the Forgings Paradox

The process of forging metal into shapes possesses a surprisingly long and storied history. For example, the method of hot rolling can trace its protracted existence all the way back to an enigmatic Italian polymath named Leonardo da Vinci (you may have heard of him), who reportedly invented the rolling mill one lazy day in the 1400s.
ADDENDUM | 2015-03-01

How Do You Say Gears in Italian

It was late November in Northern Italy, and everything was coming up vinegar oil and high-performance cars for Cory Sanderson and the 11 other members of his Yankee armada.
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