
June 26, 2007

Industry News

BIG Kaiser Program Addresses Local Engineer Shortage

For years, BIG Kaiser Precision Tooling Inc. announced continuation of its partnership with Elk Grove High School to support students interested in pursuing engineering and technician careers. "The young workforce that enters our industry will determine our future,” explains BIG Kaiser President, Chris Kaiser. “That's why it's so important that we provide students with the support and guidance they need to pursue these careers.” BIG Kaiser says its program has helped the school negotiate during equipment purchases and donate tooling to provide students with hands-on and real-world experience.    Donna Carroll, Division Head for Business, Technology and Life Studies at the school adds, “BIG Kaiser has been a valuable business partner to us, providing speakers and hosting students at IMTS.” 

This year, Elk Grove High School adopted Project Lead The Way (PLTW), a national program started by professional engineers to combat the national shortage of engineers and technicians.

“These classes are very rigorous, and provide students with practical experience in manufacturing and engineering,” Carroll explains. “Students leave high school with real world math and science skills that make them better equipped to pursue engineering programs and other relative careers.”  She reports that no other new program has ever sustained the high level of student interest that PLTW has. In this first year, 95 percent of the students in Introduction to Engineering were eligible to test for college credit because they had an 85 percent or better in the class.  

BIG Kaiser Precision Tooling is a high precision tooling systems and solutions supplier with brands including Kaiser, BIG Daishowa, Speroni, Unilock, Sphinx, and more. 


Project Lead The Way focuses on teaching and learning. The hands-on, project and problem-based PLTW approach adds rigor to traditional technical programs and relevance to traditional academics.

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