
September 10, 2021

Inspection Failure Analysis Industry News

Buehler Webinar Series: Metallography and Failure Analysis

Buehler is sponsoring a webinar “Metallography and Failure Analysis” on September, 28, 2021, 9:30 am CST (China Standard Time or 8.30 pm CDT). George Vander Voort, exclusive consultant to Buehler, will present this educational webinar. Failure analysis consists of studies to determine why a component failed in service. Registration is complimentary and recordings will be available.
The 9-11 attack of the World Trade Center buildings 1, 2 and 7, and the 1979 failure of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 nuclear reactor are classic examples of failures that required an analysis on what happened to the materials during very serious failures. Metallographers are brought in to analyze and identify what caused the problems and how they can be dealt with to stop the problem and any potential further damage and also to determine what can be done to prevent future problems
With more than 50 years of experience in metallography and failure analysis, Vander Voort will discuss fundamental principles of performing a failure analysis, as well as utilizing metallographic techniques to investigate failures and determine why they occurred and how they can be prevented.  
Practical examples of the use of light optical and electron microscopy will be demonstrated through examples of failed specimens with a variety of case histories and studies, including:
•Ductile and brittle fracture surfaces and how to recognize them
•Fatigue fracture types
•Failure due to corrosion
•Failures caused by microstructural changes
•Failures due to embrittlement 
•Highlight common problems 
•Discuss key techniques to ensure success

A live question and answer session will follow the presentation. The webinar is ideal for metallurgists, metallographers and specimen preparation technicians, new engineers, quality control and laboratory personnel in any metallography facility new to the area or looking for a refresher on preparation and analysis of failed components. Register at the link below:
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