Cimcool Introduces Insol Lubrication
Cimcool Fluid Technology is pleased to introduce InSol lubrication. This new technology coupled with unique surfactants and inhibitors provides excellent multi-metal performance without the use of extreme pressure additives. Productivity gains up to 20% have been observed when compared to chlorinated lubricants, and the technology works on both machining and grinding operations.
“InSol Technology puts lubricant at the cut zone-tooling interface so the lubricant and cooling are optimized. Since InSol Technology works though controlled water solubility, this great performance lasts longer due to low depletion rates. Best of all, InSol Technology can help out on tough to process alloys without using materials that can drive waste hauling costs up” states Bruce Koehler, product manager, Cimcool Fluid Technology. “When you couple that with process savings, lower tooling usage and more productivity output, this is what manufacturers are needing to help control costs and improve efficiency."
What is InSol Technology? The performance is dependent upon blends of raw materials that have solubility ranges from limited to complete. By carefully optimizing the selected materials, that puts nearly 100% lubricant at the cut zone where it counts. But because the material is mostly water soluble, it virtually never depletes when regular makeup concentrate is added. “The reason these new products are so special is that we have seen grinding ratios increase by 50% and cutting forces decrease by 30% or more; both of which drive productivity and cost savings for our customers. Imagine using a fluid that virtually looks like water that can increase your productivity so significantly. We are using this technology in our new high performance fluids for aerospace and medical device applications as well as high performance parts made from hard metal alloys including titanium. This technology will be available in our Cimtech 300 series as well as our new Cimtech 600 series which combines our MSL (Milacron Synthetic Lubricant) patented lubricants and InSol Technology for even more performance,” said Koehler.