
August 27, 2009

Product News Industry News

CNC Shapers Machine Multiple Surfaces Quickly

Ohio Broach and Machine Company introduces a line of CNC Shaper machines that machine multiple surfaces in seconds, and various parts can be fixtured for machining with repetitive cuts in one shaper cycle. The machine head uses CNC controls to oscillate a tool up and down at 600 cycles a minute while the machine axes feed work into the tool. This combination of tool and axes feed can produce a multitude of form on parts.

The CNC Shaper machines are customized individually for customer requirements. They are suited for machining small and medium sized parts with special intricate forms, shaping blind hole forms in addition to outside shapes and forms against shoulders or other obstructing features. They can be used for gear manufacturing and in the medical, electrical and aerospace industries.

All axes of the CNC Shaper machines are servo-controlled, ball screw driven and controlled through the CNC interface. The main slide ways use a preloaded linear roller system for quick, accurate axis movement. Two models are available: the OB-VM16-2 and the OB-VM20-2. Both have a two-inch standard stroke as an available option.

"The new CNC Shaper machines offer manufacturers capabilities that are more efficient than traditional EDM machines, which are slower and more expensive," says Jeffrey Frantz, sales manager for Ohio Broach and Machine Company. "One new shaper machine can now do the work of two or three standard cutting machines. This translates into less capital outlay, lower inventories, reduced lead and production time and less labor."

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