B&B Manufacturing, Inc.
LA PORTE Maharastra 46350
United States
Phone: (888) 889-1896
Fax: (219) 324-2694

B&B Manufacturing, Inc.

B&B Manufacturing is a manufacturer of timing belt pulleys in a variety of different pitches including, MXL, XL, L, H, XH, 3mm HTD, 5mm HTD, 8mm HTD, 14mm HTD, 2MR, 3MR, 5MGT, 8MGT, 14MGT, 8M Polychain, 14M Polychain, T2.5, T5, T10, T20, AT5, AT10, and AT20. We also manufacture roller chain sprockets, gears, and sheaves. Materials include steel, aluminum, stainless steel, Delrin, brass. We stock thousands of standard items as well as make custom parts to our customers print.

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Gear Finishing Services | Broaching Services | Mechanical Adjustable Speed Drives | Positioning Drives | Bushings | Chain Drives | Chain-Belt Tensioners | Metal Chain Sprockets | Plastic Chain Sprockets | Roller Chain | Belt-Chain Tensioners | Expandable Pulley Belt Drives | Flat Belt Pulleys | Polyurethane Belts | Sheaves | Synchronous Belt Pulleys | Synchronous Belting | Polyurethane Timing Belts | V-Belting | V-Ribbed Pulleys | Variable Speed Belting | Variable Speed Pulleys | Aerospace Gears | Automotive Gears | Cast Tooth Gears | Coarse Pitch Gears | Face Gears | Fine Pitch Gears | Forged Gears | Injection Molded Plastic Gears | Marine Gears | Miniature Gears | Mining Gears | Pinion Wire | Plastic Gears-Cut | Plastic Gears-Injection Molded | Ring Gears-Internal | Stock Gears | Automatic Transmissions | Marine Gear Drives | Rack and Pinion Drives | Spiral Bevel Gear Drives | Broaching Services | Deburring Services | Gear Finishing Services | Gear Forging Services | Gear Honing & Burnishing Services | Gear Rack Manufacturing Services | Stock Gear Manufacturing | Drive Tensioners | Pulleys | Indexing Drives | Services | Gears | Gear Drives | Gear Manufacturing Services | Accessories | Adjustable Speed Drives | Bearings | Belting & Belt Drives | Chain & Chain Drives |