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Chain-Belt Tensioners

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U.S. Tsubaki

The Tsubaki brand has been globally recognized for its superior power transmission and motion control products. Since 1917, The Tsubakimoto Chain Company, headquartered in Japan, has been moving the needle forward by constantly innovating new products and expanding its global operations.


ABL Products Incorporated

Accent Bearings Co. Inc.

Affiliated Distributors

AIMS Industrial Supplies

Ametric / American Metric Corporation

Area Distributors Inc.

B&B Manufacturing, Inc.

Baart Industrial Group

Bearing Engineering Company

Bearing Service Company

Bearings and Industrial Supply Company, Inc.

Bowman Hollis Mfg

Brewer Machine & Gear Co.

Challenge Power Transmission PLC

Cold Forming Technology

Cross + Morse

Daido Corporation of America

Darbar Belting

Davall Gears div. of MTI Motion

Electro Steel Engineering Company

Elliott Manufacturing

HVH Industrial Solutions

Lovejoy, Inc. (A Timken Brand)

Malloy Electric

PIC Design

René Baer AG


Sprockets Australia Pty. Ltd.

Team Industries

WMH Transmissions Ltd

York Industries