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Bevel Gear Cutting Machines

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Machine tools for manufacturing straight bevel, spiral bevel, hypoid and other crossed-axis gears.

GMTA German Machine Tools of America

GMTA is the North American subsidiary of Profilator GmbH out of Wuppertal, Germany. Profilator is the pioneer of SCUDDING (Skiving) and offers modular multifunctional machine platforms for mass production of gear box related components. Along with Profilator, GMTA offers machinery, tooling, and peripherals to produce powertrain and propulsion systems for both on highway and off highway applications. We are a systems solution provider offering technology for both green and hard machining of gears.

Klingelnberg GmbH
Klingelnberg is a world leader in the development, manufacture and sale of gear production machinery and related equipment.

Artec Machine Systems


Gleason Works (India) Private Ltd.

Goldstein Gear Machinery LLC

Index Corporation

Prime Technologies

Reliance Gear Corporation

Rotec Tools Ltd.

SerWeMa GmbH & Co. KG

Surplex GmbH