Drake's Newest Thread Grinder Utilizes Robot Load-Unload System
The GS: TE-LM thread grinder from Drake Manufacturing is fitted with a robot load/unload system that provides maximum throughput for high-volume production of ground threads.
The machine was first introduced at IMTS 2004, and Drake has been tweaking its features to unveil to the manufacturing community in time for IMTS 2006.
According to the company’s press release, the machine will be tooled to grind the gear and worm profiles and bearing journals on a power steering pinion with vitrified CBN wheels. The machine is a full helix thread grinder equipped with a 180° power helix, linear motors and ways. It also will have the latest Fanuc controls programmed with customer parts, acoustic touch dressing, automatically generated wheel forms and a mineral-filled cast polymer base.
CEO John Drake says the company aims for cross-market appeal to both low-volume and high-volume manufacturers, from job shops to automotive customers. The grinder comes tooled for power steering of ball screws and worms. Drake adds the grinder is suitable for taps, multi-start worms, electronic steering components, fast lead ball screws, medical bone screws as well as gearbox, transmission and speed reducer components.
“The gear machine that’s generally offered is the 350 mm. However, we’ve built up to one meter in overall length, and it’s capable of going up to two or three meters now. The ballscrew manufacturers target a one, two, or three meter length product, and we can provide a longer bed length for them than for gear manufacturers,” says Drake.