
Jun 13, 2022 - Jun 17, 2022

Design Efficiency Reliability Software Strength Stress Materials Additive Manufacturing 3-D Printing Materials Innovation Events


, Spain

Addit3D-International Additive Manufacturing and 3D Fair (Barakaldo, Spain) will feature almost 230 products, services and innovations. Exhibitors include advanced systems and machinery and 3D printing, equipment and printers, industrial applications, raw materials, consumables, 3D printing services, software, 3D scanners, and R&D and training. Also present will be the following sub-sectors: additive manufacturing industrial applications, associations and publishing companies, consumables, scanners, education and training, research and development, raw materials, services, systems and machinery, and software.  The fair is part of the 31st edition of the BIEMH-International Machine Tool Biennial and will complement the Industry 4.0 program with a broad cross-section of companies. 

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