

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2024-03-26

KISSsoft New Release Available in April

The new KISSsoft release 2024 is coming soon! This April will bring you the new system module KISSdesign, accelerating the calculation of complex drive trains and replacing the previous KISSsys software.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2024-02-13

FVA-Workbench Version 9 Redefines Gearbox Design

With the release of version 9, the FVA-Workbench once again sets new standards in gearbox design, enabling the seamless integration of the latest research results into industrial practice. As a groundbreaking interface between collective research and application, the FVA-Workbench accelerates development and innovation in drive technology. This new release is more powerful than ever, with innovative features for flexible load spectra and improvements in FEM components and shaft-hub connections.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-10-25

GWJ Technology Celebrates 20 Years of eAssistant Software

A good 20 years have passed since the web-based calculation software eAssistant saw the light of day in the digital world. The software is probably the oldest commercial online solution for the design, recalculation and optimization of machine elements such as shafts, bearings, shaft-hub connections, gears, bolted joints, springs, etc. The calculations are based on internationally accepted standards and guidelines as well as technical literature.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-10-03

KISSsoft Offers Plastics for the Calculation for Cylindrical and Crossed Axis Helical Gears

In KISSsoft, 97 (yes, ninety-seven!) plastics are available for calculation of cylindrical and crossed axis helical gears. The materials range from unreinforced POMs and PAs to high performance reinforced and internally lubricated materials. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-04-06

KISSsoft Expands Fine Sizing Capabilities with Release 2023

In an urgent assignment, a gear has to be designed, with the engineer already knowing the required reduction ratio, torque and speed. On the manufacturing side, the preferred materials, possible qualities and the reference profiles are specified. This initial situation represents an everyday task.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2023-03-24

KISSsoft Release 2023 Available in April

The new KISSsoft release 2023 comes with numerous novelties. Among others, Gear Mesh Frequencies (GMF) can now be calculated for cylindrical and bevel gears. GMF results are visualized in two different diagrams, i.e. GMF versus rotational frequency of the reference gear, and GMF versus amplitude.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-10-11

Renewable Lubricants Presents Biodegradable Gear Oils

Renewable Lubricants presents patented, ultimately biodegradable Bio-E.P. Gear Oils which are ideal lubricating spur, helical, bevel, and worm gears subject to heavy loading or shock loading in heavy-duty applications.   

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-10-10

GWJ Technology Extends Involute Gear Output Options

GWJ Technology GmbH has extended the output option of tooth forms of involute gears. GWJ has extended the output of tooth forms in 2D DXF format in its calculation modules single cylindrical gears, cylindrical gear pairs, planetary gear trains, three- and four-gear train systems, gear racks and involute splines as part of the new versions of its calculation solutions eAssistant and TBK.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-09-02

KHK Highlights Broad Range of Miter Gears

KHK USA Inc. announces its extensive selection of miter gears. These gears are available in high precision grades to perform at demanding torques and speeds, and they are also available in commercial grades for economical applications. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-08-04

Mahr Highlights Digital Comparators at IMTS 2022

Mahr Inc. recently introduced a new generation of electronic digital comparators, the Millimess 2000 W(i) and 2001 W(i). The new digital comparators combine practical and reliable operation with maximum precision. Using a unique inductive measuring system, measurements are more precise than ever with added probe linearization—whether it’s a static or dynamic measurement task.  

EVENT | 2022-06-01


Addit3D-International Additive Manufacturing and 3D Fair (Barakaldo, Spain) will feature almost 230 products, services and innovations. Exhibitors include advanced systems and machinery and 3D printing, equipment and printers, industrial applications, raw materials, consumables, 3D printing services, software, 3D scanners, and R&D and training

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-05-13

SEGULA Technologies and Senseye Partner on IIoT Solutions

SEGULA Technologies and British scale up Senseye, specialized in predictive maintenance based on artificial intelligence, have announced the signing of a partnership.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-04-28

SMT Webinar Examines Software Tips and Tricks

SMT's latest webinar "MASTA Support - Tips, Tricks and FAQ" will take place May 4, 2022. The SMT customer support team receive queries covering all areas of MASTA, with industry 'hot topics' inevitably arising. In this webinar, SMT engineers focus on answering some of the queries that frequently make it into their support inbox. 

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-04-21

KUKA Highlights End-to-End Automation Solutions at Automate 2022

At Automate 2022, attendees will have the opportunity to experience how complete, end-to-end automation solutions from KUKA Robotics can help them exceed their production goals.


MPIF Examines State of the Powder Metal Industry

Thanks to material development and additive manufacturing opportunities, it’s important for the gear and power transmission industries to monitor the trends, technologies and future forecasts in the powder metal market.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-10-27

Junker Offers Non-Cylindrical Grinding Machine for Process Reliability

BMW Motorrad uses the JUCRANK non-cylindrical grinding machine for different grinding operations on boxer crankshafts. These are assemble...

IMTS Future Tech

The Digital Manufacturing Revolution Evolves in 2020 IMTS will offer two comprehensive digital programs, IMTS Network and IMTS Sp...

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-06-29

Advanced Machine Reliability Resources Merges with Generation Systems

Advanced Machine Reliability Resources (AMRRI) and Generation Systems Inc. (GSI), creator of Lube-It management software, two of the most...

New Guideline for Determining the Reliability of Planetary/Spur Gear Units

In the wind power industry, the reliability of powertrain components plays a major role. Especially in multi-megawatt offshore applications, an unplanned replacement of drivetrain components can lead to extremely high costs. Hence, the expectation of wind farm operators is to forecast the system reliability. Under the leadership of the VDMA (Mechanical Engineering Industry Association), the standardization paper 23904 "Reliability Assessment for Wind Turbines" was published in October 2019.

Happy Earth Day!

Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. It was fairly big news for me back in 1970 as one of its founders was a U.S. Senator from my home state...
ASK THE EXPERT | 2018-05-01

Calculated Gear Life Values

I have a query (regarding) calculated gear life values. I would like to understand for what % of gear failures the calculated life is valid? Is it 1-in-100 (1% failure, 99% reliability) or 1-in-one-thousand (0.1% failure)?

Reliability, Lifetime and Safety Factors

A discussion of ISO and AGMA standards for gears, shafts and bearings, and the art of designing a gearbox that meets your requirements.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-01-31

IIoT Spotlight: A Look at Honeywell Connected Plant

One of the most relevant topics in manufacturing right now is predicting process conditions and equipment failures for continuous improvement on th...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-08-23

KISSsoft 03/2017 Release Allows Users to Evaluate Reliability of Gear Units, Individual Gears and Rolling Bearings

A function in KISSsoft Release 03/2017 enables you to evaluate the reliability of gear units, individual gears and rolling bearings. ...

Innovation in Mature Products

Many people look back fondly on the days of the annual model change in the automobile market. Car dealerships would cover their display windows and...

Slow and Steady

The results of our Annual State of the Gear Industry Survey (See page 26) provided insight on 2016 as well as forecasts for 2017. Here is additional insight from some of the industry's leaders.

Repair, Replace, or Rebuild?

      I enjoy watching car auctions on cable television. Some of my enjoyment comes from the commen...

A Proposed Pre-Finish Cylindrical Gear Quality Standard

This proposed standard would not make any recommendations regarding the required quality for any application. The intent is to establish standard pre-finish quality classes for typical finishing operations, which only include the inspection elements that are important to properly evaluate pre-finish gear quality as it applies to the finishing operation. It would be the responsibility of the manufacturing/process engineer, quality engineer, or other responsible individual to establish the required pre-finish quality class for their application.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2016-07-12

Klüber Gear Oils Provide Improved Component Reliability

Klüber Lubrication, a worldwide manufacturer of specialty lubricants, provides high-performance gear oils that are based on high-gra...

Plastic Gearing Continues Converting the Unconverted

Plastic gears are everywhere today - throughout your car, at the oceans' lowest depths, in deep space. The question, when is a metal gear a candidate for plastic conversion, can be addressed in three words, i.e. what's the application?

The World before Wikipedia and Google

I have a lot of books. Like old friends, they sit on shelves and in boxes waiting for me to need them. It has been pointed out to me that books are...

Discovering Gears

Recently, an attorney told me that his eleven-year-old daughter had “discovered” gears in a science class and was excitedly learning all she could ...

How Reliable is Our Information?

How much can we trust our understanding of how things work? There was a special joint web ex meeting this week between two AGMA committees that got...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-08-06

Walter Orbital Thread Mill Unified National Fine Boosts Process Reliability While Cutting Cost

Walter rcentlty introduced its latest orbital thread mills, the orbital thread mill Unified National Fine (UNF) 2xD and 3xD models. Their...

Things We Don’t Know

Noted gear consultant and gear educator Ray Drago is fond of saying that a consultant’s best answers usually start with “it depends.” Those of you ...

If You Are Going to Make Buggy Whips…

[starbox] If you are going to make buggy whips, they better be good ones. That is the lesson I took away from reading about hundred-year-old Wis...

Understanding Oil Analysis: How it Can Improve Reliability of Wind Turbine Gearboxes

Historically, wind turbine gearbox failures have plagued the industry. Yet an effective oil analysis program will increase the reliability and availability of your machinery, while minimizing maintenance costs associated with oil change-outs, labor, repairs and downtime. Practical action steps are presented here to improve reliability.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2013-01-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2011-08-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the August 2011 issue of Gear Technology.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2008-03-01

A Different Truth

Vietnam is the war Americans don’t like to talk about. Even today, many of us struggle to understand the what and the why of that war.

The New Freedoms: Bevel Blades

Today, because of reduced cost of coatings and quicker turnaround times, the idea of all-around coating on three-face-sharpened blades is again economically viable, allowing manufacturers greater freedoms in cutting blade parameters, including three-face-sharpened and even four-face-sharpened blades.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2006-04-18

Paulo Products Upgrades to ISO TS 16949: 2002

The St Louis, MO facility of Paulo Products Company has successfully passed the upgrade audit and has been awarded accreditation to ISO/T...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2006-03-09

Ikona Gear Launches Oil and Gas Division, Signs Licensing Agreements

Ikona Gear launched Ikona Industries Corp. to focus on developing, manufacturing and shipping novel gearing applications for the oil and ...

Gear Damage Detection Using Oil Debris Analysis

The purpose of this paper was to verify, when using an oil debris sensor, that accumulated mass predicts gear pitting damage and to identify a method to set threshold limits for damaged gears.

Designing Reliability Into Industrial Gear Drives

The primary objective in designing reliable gear drives is to avoid failure. Avoiding failure is just as important for the manufacturer and designer as it is for the end user. Many aspects should be considered in order to maximize the potential reliability and performance of installed gearing.