
Nov 15, 2022 - Nov 18, 2022

Materials Additive Manufacturing 3-D Printing IIoT Industry 4.0 Materials Innovation Events

Formnext 2022

Frankfurt, Germany

Formnext (Frankfurt, Germany) is more than an exhibition and conference. It’s an entire platform for companies from the world of additive manufacturing. Here, a veritable who’s who from the realms of design and product development, industrial tooling, production solutions, quality management, and measurement technology comes together with leading providers in basic materials and component construction. It will also explore clever ways in which AM can be integrated into process chains in industrial production. In addition, top international speakers and other experts will be on hand to engage conference attendees in in-depth discussions at the highest technical level. A permanent fixture on the international AM calendar, Formnext has been providing the perfect platform for businesses to present themselves to customers, partners, and potential investors for eight years. Winning the Formnext Start-up Challenge has given an important boost to the market entry of a number of internationally successful companies, including 3Yourmind, Dyemansion, Kumovis, Sinterit, Spectroplast, Trinckle 3D, Xioneer, and many more.

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