January/February 2013


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Publisher's Page

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Publisher Michael Goldstein explores Gear Technology's history and its future as he introduces the back issue archive online and our new features and columns for 2013.

Technical Articles

Balancing: Smoke and Mirrors No Longer

By virtue of collected anecdotal accounts, equations and problem solving, balancing is discussed as more math and common sense, and less smoke and mirrors.

Gear Material Selection and Construction for Large Gears

A road map is presented listing critical considerations and optimal use of materials and methods in the construction of large gears.

Large Pinions for Open Gears - The Increase of Single Mesh Load

This paper introduces mandatory improvements in design, manufacturing and inspection - from material elaboration to final machining - with special focus on today's large and powerful gearing.

Feature Articles

Job Shop Lean

This is the first article in an eight-part "reality" series on implementing continuous improvement at Hoerbiger Corporation. Throughout 2013, Dr. Shahrukh Irani will report on his progress applying the job shop lean strategies he developed during his time at Ohio State University.

The Gear Gods Help Those That Help Themselves

"Gear Train" is a new Gear Technology section focusing on training and education in the gear industry. For the first installment, we've focused on AGMA's online and video training programs.

Do No Destructive Testing

An overview of nondestructive testing and its importance in the manufacture of big gears.

Ask the Expert

Measurement of Involute Master

Our experts tackle the topic of measuring involute masters, including both master gears and gear inspection artifacts.

Product News

CMM Gear Inspection

Mitutoyo offers capable, affordable and flexible gear inspection option via coordinate measuring machines and gear inspection software.

Progress in Gear Milling

Sandvik presents the latest in gear milling technologies.

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.

Industry News

GT Extras

Gear Technology's complete back issue archive is now available online. Read more about the archive in this issue's GT Extras. Also highlighted are a new video from Koepfer and the Gear Technology e-mail newsletter.

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.

The Involute Curve

Although gears can be manufactured using a wide variety of profiles, the involute curve is the most commonly used. Here are some of the basics.



The complete Calendar listings from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.