March/April 2011

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Publisher's Page

Reaching Out

Publisher Michael Goldstein describes the success of Gear Technology's new e-mail newsletter programs.


Standards Development: Enclosed Drives

Chairman Todd Praneis of Cotta Transmission describes the activities of AGMA's Enclosed Drives technical committee.

Technical Articles

Tribology Aspects in Angular Transmission Systems, Part V: Face Gears

This article is part five of an eight-part series on the tribology aspects of angular gear drives. Each article will be presented first and exclusively by Gear Technology, but the entire series will be included in Dr. Stadtfeld’s upcoming book on the subject, which is scheduled for release in 2011.

Gear Measuring Machine by NDG Method for Gears Ranging from Miniature to Super-Large

A new inspection method has several advantages over traditional methods, especially for very large or very small gears.

Optimal Modifications of Gear Tooth Surfaces

In this paper a new method for the introduction of optimal modifications into gear tooth surfaces - based on the optimal corrections of the profile and diameter of the head cutter, and optimal variation of machine tool settings for pinion and gear finishing—is presented. The goal of these tooth modifications is the achievement of a more favorable load distribution and reduced transmission error. The method is applied to face milled and face hobbed hypoid gears.

Feature Articles

Induction Heat Treating Gains Ground through Advances in Technology

In recent years, there has been significant interest in expanding the use of induction hardening in gear manufacturing operations. Over the past several years, many of the limits to induction hardening have shrunk, thanks to recent advances in technology, materials and processing techniques.

Grinding, Finishing and Software Upgrades Abound

Machine tool companies are expanding capabilities to better accommodate the changing face of manufacturing. Customers want smaller-sized equipment to take up less valuable floor space, multifunctional machines that can handle a variety of operations and easy set-up changes that offer simplified operation and maintenance.

Wind Standard Closer to Completion

Faithful Gear Technology readers may recall that our July 2009 issue contained an update of the deliberations provided by Bill Bradley. Now, almost two years later, there is an ISO/IEC wind turbine gearbox standard out for draft international standard ballot (ballot closes 2011-05-17).


The Gear Ring and Other Creative Anomalies

Interactive jewelry designed from micro-precision parts.

Product News

Carl Zeiss CMM Guides Andrew Tool with Complex Mars Rover Project

At Andrew Tool, CMMs have been an integral part of their manufacturing processes for years, but they had never faced a project with such intricate measurements, tight tolerances, heat treatments and a very short time frame requirement.

Zoller and Ingersoll Partner for Measuring Hob Cutters

With growing markets in aerospace and energy technologies, measuring hob cutters used in gear cutting is becoming an essential requirement for workpieces and machine tools. Zoller, a provider of solutions for tool pre-setters, measuring and inspection machines and tool management software, has developed a new partnership with Ingersoll/Germany for shop floor checking of hob cutters by a combined hardware and software approach.

Product News

The complete Product News section from the March/April 2011 issue of Gear Technology.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the March/April 2011 issue of Gear Technology.



The complete Technical Calendar from the March/April 2011 issue of Gear Technology.