July 2010

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Publisher Michael Goldstein describes the remarkable accomplishments of Randall Publications LLC over the past year, despite the intense and hectic transformation he and the staff experienced unbelievable strain on their time and concentration.


AGMA Foundation--A Dream Fulfilled

Arlin Perry, president of Comer Industries, talks about his tenure as chairman of the AGMA Foundation and its role in supporting the industry.

Technical Articles

Load Sharing Analysis of High-Contact-Ratio Spur Gears in Military Tracked Vehicle Applications

This paper deals with analysis of the load sharing percentage between teeth in mesh for different load conditions throughout the profile for both sun and planet gears of normal and HCR gearing—using finite element analysis. (FEA).

Effects of Profile Corrections on Peak-to-Peak Transmission Error

Profile corrections on gears are a commonly used method to reduce transmission error, contact shock, and scoring risk. There are different types of profile corrections. It is a known fact that the type of profile correction used will have a strong influence on the resulting transmission error. The degree of this influence may be determined by calculating tooth loading during mesh. The current method for this calculation is very complicated and time consuming; however, a new approach has been developed that could reduce the calculation time.

Feature Articles

Large Gears, Better Inspection

Investment in Gleason GMM Series inspection equipment helps drive Milwaukee Gear's expansion into profitable new markets around the world—all hungry for high-precision custom gears and gear drives.

User-Friendly Gear Measurement

Good timing leads to partnership between Process Equipment and Schafer Gear.

Cotta Transmission Installs CMM with Gear Checking Module

Xspect Solutions Provides Wenzel Bridge-Type CMM Equipped with OpenDMIS Software for Basic Gear Measuring Capability with CMM Flexibility.


Get Your Geek on at Edmund Scientific

A treasure trove of gear and power components for aspiring engineers and dedicated hobbyists.

Product News

Improved Inspection Software Helps Provide Optimum Cutting Results

Klingelnberg measuring centers eliminate trial-and-error with modern analysis tools.

Product News

The complete Product News section from the July 2010 issue of Gear Technology.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the July 2010 issue of Gear Technology.


IMTS 2010 Poised for Manufacturing Resurgence

Manufacturing is a hot topic everywhere these days, what with economic stimulus plans targeting the struggling industry worldwide. Many hopes are tied to a manufacturing recovery to bring us further up out of the economic doldrums of 2007–2008. Most indicators show that manufacturing is climbing back, so what better time for the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) 2010 to witness first hand the next generation’s technology.

Technical Calendar

The complete Technical Calendar from the July 2010 issue of Gear Technology.