August 2018


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Take the Time: Invest in Knowledge

Don't let your busy schedule keep you from making the most of the great opportunity that is IMTS 2018.

Technical Articles

Influences of the Residual Stress Condition on the Load-Carrying Capacity of Case-Hardened Gears

Highly loaded gears are usually casehardened to fulfill the high demands on the load-carrying capacity. Several factors, such as material, heat treatment, or macro and micro geometry, can influence the load-carrying capacity. Furthermore, the residual stress condition also significantly influences load-carrying capacity. The residual stress state results from heat treatment and can be further modified by manufacturing processes post heat treatment, e.g. grinding or shot peening.

UNIMILL for Prototype and Small-Batch Bevel Gear Manufacturing

UNIMILL is a milling method for the manufacture of prototype bevel gears using end mills or disk cutters.

Feature Articles

IMTS 2018: A Field Guide

Chicago Preps for the Next Manufacturing Technology Extravaganza

IMTS 2018 Showstoppers

Our special advertising section highlights some of the booths that will be of interest to gear manufacturers.

IMTS 2018 Booth Previews

Our editors have compiled a comprehensive section featuring the booths you won't want to miss at IMTS 2018.

FNA 2018

Furnaces North America Exhibition Highlights Future of Heat Treating.

The Three Rs of Gearbox Repair: Repair, Refurbish, Replace

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it," goes the hoary bromide. But what if the time comes - and it most surely will - that in fact it is broke? Do you fix it or replace it? And when does gearbox maintenance and repair arrive at a point of diminishing returns and buying new is the answer?


Lively New Book on what Distinguishes Manufacturing Precision from Perfection

Most of us would agree that the idea of a perfect world is absurd. Just for starters, who gets to decide what perfect means? "The Perfectionists" by Simon Winchester explores this theme as it relates to engineering.

Product News

Product News

The complete Product News section from the August 2018 issue of Gear Technology.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the August 2018 issue of Gear Technology.



The complete Technical Calendar from the August 2018 issue of Gear Technology.