September/October 2010

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Publisher's Page

Taking Care of Your Best Customers

We recently e-mailed an informal survey to 1,000 of our most loyal readers, each of whom has been a subscriber for at least 15 years. We were hoping to hear that our magazine is just as important to them today as it was when they first signed up. It was gratifying to find out that with most of the respondents, that was the case.


Enterprise Excellence: Are We There Yet

When the term, “what you see is what you get” is applied in the computer industry, it means that users or customers are able to see their end results without the encumbrances of complicated software code that enables this function. Software works behind the scenes ultimately to produce transparency and the desired effects. In many ways, this concept should be extended to the relationships that exist between suppliers and buyers and even among internal company departments.

Technical Articles

Straight Bevel Gears

Tribology Aspects in Angular Transmission Systems, Part 2

Engagement of Metal Debris into Gear Mesh

A series of bench-top experiments was conducted to determine the effects of metallic debris being dragged through meshing gear teeth. A test rig that is typically used to conduct contact fatigue experiments was used for these tests. Several sizes of drill material, shim stock and pieces of gear teeth were introduced and then driven through the meshing region. The level of torque required to drive the “chip” through the gear mesh was measured. From the data gathered, chip size sufficient to jam the mechanism can be determined.

Feature Articles

What's the Big Attraction - IMTS 2010

The great thing about a trade show the size of IMTS is the amount of options available to attendees. If you’re into cars, fighter jets, machine tools, fighting robots, manufacturing relics or simply the latest technology advancements in a particular industry, you’ll find it at IMTS 2010.

IMTS 2010 Booth Previews, Part II

Our coverage of the gear-related booths at IMTS continues from last issue.

IMTS 2010 Booth Listings

Here's a list of IMTS 2010 booths gear manufacturers won't want to miss.

The Efficiency Experts

Bradley University and Winzeler Gear collaborate on the design and development of an urban light vehicle.


Manufacturing Software...To Go

ITAMCO develops gear-related apps for the iPhone and related devices.

Product News

KISSsoft Introduces New Features with Latest Release

Tooth contact under load is an important verification of the real contact conditions of a gear pair and an important add-on to the strength calculation according to standards such as ISO, AGMA or DIN. The contact analysis simulates the meshing of the two flanks over the complete meshing cycle and is therefore able to consider individual modifications on the flank at each meshing position.

Product News

The complete Product News section from the September/October 2010 issue of Gear Technology.

Industry News

High Precision, High Stakes

Delta Research bets big on the future of gear-making technology.

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the September/October 2010 issue of Gear Technology.


Technical Calendar

The complete calendar of upcoming events from the September/October 2010 issue of Gear Technology.