
April 19, 2005

Inspection Surface Finish Heat Treating The Gear Industry Trade Shows & Events Gear Expo Industry News

Joint Venture for AFC Holcroft and ALD Vacuum

AlD Holcroft of Wixom, MI, and ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH of Hanau, Germany, have formed a joint venture called Joint Venture ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH. According to the company’s press release, both parties are combining their resources to provide ALD’s heat treatment technology and process fuel injectors, transmission and axle parts and other precision components. In May 2005, a joint venture called ALD-Holcroft was established to market, service and support the ModulTherm technology to the North American market. In addititon to vacuum carburizing equipment, the new joint venture will offer conventional carburizers equipped with high pressure gas quenching as well as retrofitting of existing furnaces. In addition, the joint venture promizes the capability to prototype development of new parts as well as developing processes for existing parts in the technology centers.
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