
Surface Finish

EVENT | 2023-05-12

Fabtech 2024

Fabtech provides a 'one-stop-shop' for metal forming, fabricating, welding, and finishing trade show. Attendees can meet with 1,300+ suppliers, discover innovative solutions, and find the tools to improve productivity and increase profits. There is no better opportunity to network, share knowledge and explore the latest technology.

EVENT | 2023-02-16

2023 STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference and Tribology and Lubrication for E-Mobility Conference

The 2023 STLE Tribology Frontiers Conference (TFC) will be held November 12-14. The event will allow attendees to engage with world-renowned industry, academic and government researchers to learn more about the technical, environmental and social issues impacting tribology research in the 21st Century. The deadline for TFC abstract submissions is April 15, 2023, but the website will remain open after this date for wait-listed submissions and posters.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-08-08

Kennametal Expands Beyond Evolution Platform

Kennametal has introduced the new Grooving Universal Positive Profiling geometry (GUP-V), expanding on its Beyond Evolution grooving & cut-off platform. With the addition of the new V-shaped single-sided insert, Beyond Evolution can cover now more applications than ever and helps to save tooling cost.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-08-03

Capture 3D Joins OMIC R&D

The Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center Research and Development (OMIC R&D) recently welcomed Capture 3D, a Zeiss company, as a member of the collaboration, now at 41 members. Headquartered in Santa Ana, California, Capture 3D is a leader in innovative optical 3D metrology solutions, including accurate blue light 3D scanners, precision photogrammetry systems, comprehensive inspection software, and high-tech automated inspection systems.

EVENT | 2022-07-20

Aachen Conference on Gear Production

Although gears have been indispensable components in various sectors such as mechanical engineering, the automotive industry and industrial gear manufacturing for many decades, increasing requirements and current market developments are constantly presenting the drive technology sectors with new challenges. In the case of modern gear drives, competition is determined not only by price but also by load capacity, operational reliability and noise behavior. In automotive engineering in particular, reliable torque transmission is required with high power density, low weight and minimal noise emissions. The current trend towards e-mobility as well as general ecological and economic challenges to improve resource efficiency lead to increased demands on the entire process chain. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-06-27

Verisurf Announces Engine Builder Performance Package

Verisurf Software, Inc. announces the Verisurf Engine Builder Performance Package, a complete 3D measurement software, hardware, training, and support package for reverse engineering, designing, building, and verifying high-performance engines and components

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-04-28

3M Technologies Address E-Mobility Trends

The automotive industry is evolving. The trend toward more electromobility is also changing the way cars are being manufactured. In some cases, this has a serious impact, not only on automakers themselves, but also on suppliers. Jürgen Hechler, Global Application Engineering Leader at 3M, is nevertheless confident: "We expect the demand for high-precision abrasives to continue to grow, despite the discussion about electromobility." Among other things, 3M supplies the automotive industry with abrasives for machining gears and shafts.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-04-22

Seco Milling Cutters Reduce Tooling Inventory Costs

Manufacturers who look for versatility and precision in machining can pair up Seco Turbo 16 square shoulder milling cutters and Helical Turbo 16 milling cutters to reduce tooling inventories and costs. Both series offer high material removal rates in steel, stainless steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals, superalloys and titanium. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-04-14

Karl M. Weiler Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Weiler Abrasives is pleased to announce that Karl M. Weiler, former president, has received the John J. Buckley Lifetime Achievement Award from the Industrial Supply Association (ISA). 

PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2021-05-01

Grinding it Out

My wife, Wendy, and I have been taking on a lot of DIY home improvement projects lately around the house.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-04-26

ANCA Provides Complete Skiving Cutter Solution for EV Transmissions

ANCA's TX and MX machines offer skiving cutter sharpening

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-02-12

A Lesson in Workholding Fundamentals

Evolution of a Real-World Workholding Solution


IMTS Future Tech

The Digital Manufacturing Revolution Evolves in 2020 IMTS will offer two comprehensive digital programs, IMTS Network and IMTS Sp...


Gear Noise Analysis: Design and Manufacturing Challenges Drive New Solutions for Noise Reduction

Gear noise is among the issues of greatest concern in today's modern gearboxes. Significant research has resulted in the application of enhancements in all phases of gear manufacturing, and the work is ongoing. With the introduction of Electric Vehicles (EV), research and development in this area has surged in recent years. Most importantly, powerful new noise analysis solutions are fast becoming available.

A Fresh Set of Eyes

Hanspeter Dinner’s account of his “baptism by fire” into the gear industry contains a number of important lessons for other “newbies”; some reminde...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-11-15

Beautiful on the Inside

Higher Quality Internal Gears


Changing Bearings

Just as “conventional thinking” h...

Planetary Gears: Inside Information

The Story So Far


Can We Use This Instead?

Right up there with the dreaded “blank sheet of paper” is the inevitable question of “Can we use this instead?” It came as a real shock to me the f...

The Long and Short of It

One of the problems with “tribal knowledge” is that the terminology can confuse those who are not fully immersed in that community. I have lost ...


Still Pumped About Herringbones

I rambled on about herringbone gear in my last posting but still have more to share on these once commonplace gears. Today we’ll cover the use of c...
ASK THE EXPERT | 2017-11-01

Friction Coefficient of Differently Treated Steel Surfaces

A reader asks about ion-nitride finished shafts and the proper friction coefficient to be used for calculations.

Fact Checking Legends

The much better half returned from her first beauty shop appointment in Oil City, shaking her newly coiffed head. Her stylist was an Oil Country li...


I was going to reflect on how November 22, 1963 changed so many things, but decided it wasn’t an anniversary ending in a five or a zero and I would...
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2016-11-01

Our Next Leader

No, not that president! I mean Matt Croson, the new president of the American Gear Manufacturers Association, who started in June and has been busy getting to know the gear industry and AGMA's members.

Room for Improvement

Previous blogs here have celebrated the great advances made in gear industry design capabilities and machine tools. As the “paper of record” for th...
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2015-06-01

Good Morning, Class

Since we began publishing in 1984, Gear Technology's mission has been to educate our readers. For 31 years, we've shown you the basics of gear manufacturing as well as the cutting edge. We take our educational mission quite seriously, and we go through steps that most publishers don't have time for or wouldn't consider.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-06-01

Industry News

News from Around the Gear Industry

Fall Technical Meeting Report

ASK THE EXPERT | 2014-08-01

Importance of Contact Pattern in Assembly of Bevel vs Cylindrical Gears

Why is there so much emphasis on the tooth contact pattern for bevel gears in the assembled condition and not so for cylindrical gears, etc?
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2014-04-28

Jenoptik Introduces Surface Finish Gage

From Jenoptik Industrial Metrology comes a crankshaft journal surface finish gage that greatly reduces the time required to collect and assess measurement data of virtually any crankshaft, any of its journals...
PRODUCT NEWS | 2014-03-01

Product News

The complete product news section from the March/April 2014 issue, featuring quick-change spline rolling racks from U.S. Gear Tools.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2013-01-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.

Repair of High-Value, High-Demand Spiral Bevel Gears by Superfinishing

Following is a report on the R&D findings regarding remediation of high-value, high-demand spiral bevel gears for the UH–60 helicopter tail rotor drivetrain. As spiral bevel gears for the UH–60 helicopter are in generally High-Demand due to the needs of new aircraft production and the overhaul and repair of aircraft returning from service, acquisition of new spiral bevel gears in support of R&D activities is very challenging. To compensate, an assessment was done of a then-emerging superfinishing method—i.e., the micromachining process (MPP)—as a potential repair technique for spiral bevel gears, as well as a way to enhance their performance and durability. The results are described in this paper.

Case Study Involving Surface Durability and Improved Surface Finish

Gear tooth wear and micropitting are very difficult phenomena to predict analytically. The failure mode of micropitting is closely correlated to the lambda ratio. Micropitting can be the limiting design parameter for long-term durability. Also, the failure mode of micropitting can progress to wear or macropitting, and then go on to manifest more severe failure modes, such as bending. The results of a gearbox test and manufacturing process development program will be presented to evaluate super-finishing and its impact on micropitting.
EVENTS | 2010-11-01

Technically Speaking, a Huge Success

A recap of the AGMA 2010 Fall Technical Meeting.
VOICES | 2009-07-01

Optimization through Customization

Many engineers and purchasing agents think it is more expensive to custom design a component or assembly these days when often customization can save on total costs.

The Effect of Superfinishing on Gear Micropitting

Results from the Technical University of Munich were presented in a previous technical article (see Ref. 4). This paper presents the results of Ruhr University Bochum. Both research groups concluded that superfinishing is one of the most powerful technologies for significantly increasing the load-carrying capacity of gear flanks.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2006-04-11

Bourn & Koch Expands

Bourn & Koch completed the addition of a new 20,000 square foot warehouse and a new 20,000 square foot two story engineering office build...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2006-01-10

Mitsubishi Gear Technology Adds Holroyd Machine

Mitsubishi Gear Technology Center has added the Holroyd GTG2 precision helical grinding machine to its portfolio. Ian Shearing, vice p...

Superfinishing Gears - The State of the Art, Part II

In a previous article, the authors identified two misconceptions surrounding gear superfinishing. Here, they tackle three more.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2005-04-19

Joint Venture for AFC Holcroft and ALD Vacuum

AlD Holcroft of Wixom, MI, and ALD Vacuum Technologies GmbH of Hanau, Germany, have formed a joint venture called Joint Venture ALD Vacuu...

Influence of Coatings and Surface Improvements on the Lifetime of Gears

Surface coatings or finishing processes are the future technologies for improving the load carrying capacity of case hardened gears. With the help of basic tests, the influence of different coatings and finishing processes on efficiency and resistance to wear, scuffing, micropitting, and macropitting is examined.

Superfinishing Gears -- The State of the Art

Superfinishing the working surfaces of gears and their root fillet regions results in performance benefits.

Basic Honing & Advanced Free-Form Honing

Rotary gear honing is a crossed-axis, fine, hard finishing process that uses pressure and abrasive honing tools to remove material along the tooth flanks in order to improve the surface finish (.1-.3 um or 4-12u"Ra), to remove nicks and burrs and to change or correct the tooth geometry. Ultimately, the end results are quieter, stronger and longer lasting gears.

Obtaining Meaningful Surface Roughness Measurements on Gear Teeth

Surface roughness measuring of gear teeth can be a very frustrating experience. Measuring results often do not correlate with any functional characteristic, and many users think that they need not bother measuring surface roughness, since the teeth are burnished in operation. They mistakenly believe that the roughness disappears in a short amount of time. This is a myth! The surface indeed is shiny, but it still has considerable roughness. In fact, tests indicate that burnishing only reduces the initial roughness by approximately 25%.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1993-07-01

Gear Tip Chamfer and Gear Noise; Surface Measurement of Spiral Bevel Gear Teeth

Could the tip chamfer that manufacturing people usually use on the tips of gear teeth be the cause of vibration in the gear set? The set in question is spur, of 2.25 DP, with 20 degrees pressure angle. The pinion has 14 teeth and the mating gear, 63 teeth. The pinion turns at 535 rpm maximum. Could a chamfer a little over 1/64" cause a vibration problem?

High Technology Hobs

Today's high technology hobs are visible different from their predecessors. Gear hobs have taken on a different appearance and function with present day technology and tool and material development. This article shows the newer products being offered today and the reasons for investigating their potential for use in today's modern gear hobbers, where cost reduction and higher productivity are wanted.
EVENTS | 1988-11-01

Technical Calendar

November 1-3. SME Gear Processing and Manufacturing Clinic, Sheraton Meridian, Indianapolis, IN. November 5-10. international Conference on Gearing, Zhengzhou, China

Rotary Gear Honing

Rotary gear honing is a hard gear finishing process that was developed to improve the sound characteristics of hardened gears by: Removing nicks and burrs; improving surface finish; and making minor corrections in tooth irregularities caused by heat-treat distortion.
VOICES | 1985-09-01

Industry Forum

Your May/June issue contains a letter from Edward Ubert of Rockwell International with some serious questions about specifying and measuring tooth thickness.