Publisher's Page

April 25, 2022

Randy Stott

Publisher's Page

Knowledge AND Connections

You may have noticed that we’ve spruced things up a bit over at geartechnology.com. The website has undergone a complete overhaul, from the front-end design to the back-end programming and system that allows us to be as efficient as possible in producing and delivering the content you need.

For a long time, one of our mottos has been “Free Knowledge Served Daily,” and that theme was at the center of our design process. Our goal was to make geartechnology.com even more focused on the technical content and in-depth reporting that you’ve come to expect from Gear Technology.

In the past, the content on our website was largely the same as what was in the printed magazine. But the same is no longer true. Today, the website is both a storehouse of everything we’ve ever published in print (in The Michael Goldstein Gear Technology Library), as well as the place where new content is created and delivered, including in online-specific formats like video.

Over at the website, news is updated daily. So when something happens in the gear industry, you’ll find it there. When new products are released by the gear industry’s leading suppliers, you can read about them on geartechnology.com. Plus, in the printed magazine, we have a limit to how much we can deliver. Only so much fits on a page. We don’t have the same restrictions online. Our Revolutions blog is updated at least monthly—more often when we’re able. And while some of those articles will find there way into the printed magazine, they’re most often online exclusives that are sent out via our newsletters and communicated via social media.

The website is also a place of community, so much so that perhaps a new motto is needed. Maybe “Free Connections Made Daily” is more appropriate. One of the best examples of that is our online Buyer’s Guide, where the industry’s leading suppliers have posted their information so that you can identify new sources to fill the gaps in your supply chain. And while we’ve had an online Buyer’s Guide since we launched geartechnology.com back in 1996, it’s gotten better and better over the years, and never so much as with this latest redesign.

The Buyer’s Guide includes many new features, allowing the suppliers listed to tell their story in new ways, including the addition of brochures and videos to the company descriptions. In addition, we connect those listings with articles that have been written by and about those companies, so you have a much better understanding of the capabilities, history and background of your potential suppliers. And, of course, the ability to submit an RFQ is built right into the page.

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This article appeared in the March/April 2022 issue.

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We’re also doing everything we can to integrate Gear Technology’s information with that of our parent organization, The American Gear Manufacturers Association. For example, AGMA member companies are highlighted and searchable in the Buyer’s Guide. Suppliers in the gears, gear drives and gear manufacturing services categories are automatically added to the same categories in our sister publication’s website, powertransmission.com, which has undergone a simultaneous overhaul.

Lastly, we’ve tied together all of our databases, so that you can use the same login for geartechnology.com as you do for powertransmission.com and agma.org. This gives you even greater control than ever over your personal information, including your subscription. I encourage you to log in and renew your subscription today, because it’s the only way to ensure that you continue to receive Gear Technology, and it’s the best way to make sure you’re receiving it in the format you prefer (in print, digitally, or both). Most importantly, it allows you to sign up for our e-mail newsletter, which is delivered four times per month and includes links to the latest news and online-exclusive content. And you can also opt in to receive messages from our advertisers and sponsors, including the latest content that they’re producing, such as technical webinars and white papers demonstrating the state of the art in gear manufacturing technology.

Mostly, though, we just hope you visit geartechnology.com. Check it out, bookmark it, and come back often.