NUM Flexium+ CNC Platform Forms Base for Star Cutter's New NTG 6RL
NUM's latest-generation CNC systems are helping the US manufacturer Star Cutter Company to maintain its position as a world leader in cutting tool machines. Star Cutter's new 5-axis tool and cutter grinding machine - the NTG 6RL - is based entirely on NUM's Flexium+ CNC platform, and fully automates the high speed production and reconditioning of complex cutting tools.
Star Cutter Company specializes in carbide and preform manufacturing, cutting tools and CNC machines for tool/cutter grinding and hob sharpening. Founded in Detroit back in 1927, the company nowadays operates six manufacturing facilities at strategic locations throughout Michigan.
Since 1998, Star Cutter has partnered with NUM for cooperative development of application-specific CNC hardware and software. During the course of this nearly 20-year collaboration, the two companies have advanced cutting tool machine technology significantly - Star Cutter currently manufactures seven highly specialized lines of machine tools, six of which are based on NUM's CNC systems.
Star Cutter originally used Fanuc controllers for its machines. However, with a goal to bring its customers even more capability and ease in realizing complex tool forms, as well as to gain more flexibility and speed in integration of third-party motors and simplify the development of control software, the company sought to transition from a proprietary control scheme to a more open CNC platform.
According to Bradley Lawton, chairman of Star Cutter Company, "NUM was an obvious choice. The company is renowned for the open architecture nature of its CNC solutions, and has done much to remove the ‘black box' mystique that is endemic to many of the competitive CNC products on the market. And the quality and reliability of NUM's products is excellent, which is extremely important to us - over 99 percent of the machines that we have produced in the past 20 years are still in everyday use. On top of that, NUM's customer support is superb and we enjoy very responsive and helpful technical help."
NUM and Star Cutter's partnership has created dividends for both companies, and for their customers and machine end-users. Starting with its ETG and PTG series of tool and cutter grinders - which now have an installed base of more than 200 - Star Cutter has steadily migrated nearly all of its CNC machines across to NUM's CNC hardware and NUMROTOplus software.