
June 16, 2011

Product News Industry News

Schunk Eliminates Part to Part Changeover

With more than 225 mm of radial stroke, wide part range is no problem for the PZH-SF 3 finger gripper.  The new Schunk PZH-SF gripper is unique in application. Part to part changeover can be eliminated increasing up-time and change over complexity. Robotic loading of machine tools, handling of cast parts has never been simpler than with this innovative gripper. With 2350 N(530 lbf), this 20 Kg(45 lb) gripper handles large challenging work pieces. The 350 mm aluminum body affords a power density equal to double the gripper's mass. Handling parts between 100 and 430 mm in a single standard configuration, monitored with magnetic or inductive sensors, Schunk remains an innovator in gripping technology. 


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