Industry News

May 12, 2022

Design Calculation Contact Ratio Efficiency Fatigue Industry News

SMT Offers Training Workshop on Improving MASTA Model Fidelity

SMT's May workshops aim to give attendees the tips and tricks needed to further improve the fidelity of the MASTA model. In this workshop, SMT engineers will go through some of the tools available including:
 - The importance of FE components
 - Modeling flexible splines
 - Modeling flexible bearing rings
 - Assessing changes in stiffness at different rotational positions
 - Condensation node behavior
 - Adding bearing mounting and tolerance details
 - Modeling flexible mounting points
 - Modeling stack-up tolerances
 - Importing measured gear geometry
 - Gear designs from cutters
 - Advanced LTCA and mesh settings
 - Micro geometry model in System Deflection 

This webinar is offered three separate times on May 17, 2022.


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