

EVENT | 2024-04-12

KISSsoft Basics for Cylindrical Gears, Shafts, Bearings, LTCA, and Intro to KISSdesign

This comprehensive four-day training course blends gear theory and practical experience. Participants will learn about the KISSsoft interface, cylindrical gear theory and strength calculation methods, using the shaft and bearing module, optimization of cylindrical gear macro and micro geometry, verification in Loaded-Tooth Contact Analysis (LTCA), and an introduction to the new system analysis tool, KISSdesign. This course includes a tour of the Gleason Works Rochester facility to experience practical examples on the shop floor. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2024-03-26

KISSsoft New Release Available in April

The new KISSsoft release 2024 is coming soon! This April will bring you the new system module KISSdesign, accelerating the calculation of complex drive trains and replacing the previous KISSsys software.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2024-02-13

FVA-Workbench Version 9 Redefines Gearbox Design

With the release of version 9, the FVA-Workbench once again sets new standards in gearbox design, enabling the seamless integration of the latest research results into industrial practice. As a groundbreaking interface between collective research and application, the FVA-Workbench accelerates development and innovation in drive technology. This new release is more powerful than ever, with innovative features for flexible load spectra and improvements in FEM components and shaft-hub connections.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-11-27

GWJ Technology Extends Calculation of Involute Splines

GWJ Technology GmbH introduces an extended version of the calculation module for involute splines within its web-based software solution eAssistant.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-10-25

GWJ Technology Celebrates 20 Years of eAssistant Software

A good 20 years have passed since the web-based calculation software eAssistant saw the light of day in the digital world. The software is probably the oldest commercial online solution for the design, recalculation and optimization of machine elements such as shafts, bearings, shaft-hub connections, gears, bolted joints, springs, etc. The calculations are based on internationally accepted standards and guidelines as well as technical literature.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-10-03

KISSsoft Offers Plastics for the Calculation for Cylindrical and Crossed Axis Helical Gears

In KISSsoft, 97 (yes, ninety-seven!) plastics are available for calculation of cylindrical and crossed axis helical gears. The materials range from unreinforced POMs and PAs to high performance reinforced and internally lubricated materials. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-09-26

GWJ Technology Offers Integrated Solutions for Gears in 3D CAD Systems

GWJ Technology GmbH has introduced new versions of its integration modules for Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor and Solid Edge. In addition to comprehensive tooth form output in 2D DXF or 3D STEP/IGES for various gear types, GWJ also offers integration modules for its calculation solutions eAssistant and TBK in various 3D CAD systems.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-07-14

KISSsoft Releases Training Schedule Through 2023

In KISSsoft's scheduled trainings until December 2023, attendees will find introductory training courses, advanced training courses and special training courses on selected topics.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-05-30

KISSsoft Considers Gear Body Stiffness in Latest Release

With the help of KISSsoft, the user can combine the FE method with analytical models when designing a high-performance gear or drivetrain.
The stiffness matrix of a gear body can be calculated accurately with KISSsoft using its advanced modeling capabilities for gear bodies. The effect of the gear body stiffness can be integrated in different KISSsoft calculations, like flank line modifications and loaded tooth contact analysis.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2023-05-18

GWJ Technology Adds Functions to Calculation Software

GWJ Technology GmbH, a calculation specialist from Braunschweig, Germany, added new functions to the gear modules of its eAssistant web-based calculation software, which has been successful for more than 20 years.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-04-27

KISSsoft Offers FKM Shaft Strength Calculation

In the KISSsoft shaft calculation, the proof of fatigue strength can be performed by generating an equivalent stress verification according to the FKM Guideline.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-04-06

KISSsoft Expands Fine Sizing Capabilities with Release 2023

In an urgent assignment, a gear has to be designed, with the engineer already knowing the required reduction ratio, torque and speed. On the manufacturing side, the preferred materials, possible qualities and the reference profiles are specified. This initial situation represents an everyday task.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2023-03-24

KISSsoft Release 2023 Available in April

The new KISSsoft release 2023 comes with numerous novelties. Among others, Gear Mesh Frequencies (GMF) can now be calculated for cylindrical and bevel gears. GMF results are visualized in two different diagrams, i.e. GMF versus rotational frequency of the reference gear, and GMF versus amplitude.

EVENT | 2023-01-12

KISSsoft Training - Basic: Gear Calculation

In the KISSsoft training program until summer 2023, you will find introductory training courses, advanced training courses and special training courses on selected topics. KISSsoft will be offering training in Bubikon, Switzerland and live streams, which will allow you flexibility and planning security, as well as the opportunity to interactively ask questions and participate in discussions in a virtual setting.

EVENT | 2023-01-12

KISSsoft Training - Basic: Shaft and Bearing Calculation

In the KISSsoft training program until summer 2023, you will find introductory training courses, advanced training courses and special training courses on selected topics. KISSsoft will be offering training in Bubikon, Switzerland and live streams, which will allow you flexibility and planning security, as well as the opportunity to interactively ask questions and participate in discussions in a virtual setting.

EVENT | 2023-01-12

KISSsoft Training - Basic: KISSsys - Modeling Gearboxes

In the KISSsoft training program until summer 2023, you will find introductory training courses, advanced training courses and special training courses on selected topics. KISSsoft will be offering training in Bubikon, Switzerland and live streams, which will allow you flexibility and planning security, as well as the opportunity to interactively ask questions and participate in discussions in a virtual setting.

EVENT | 2023-01-12

KISSsoft - Advanced: KISSsys - System Calculations

In the KISSsoft training program until summer 2023, you will find introductory training courses, advanced training courses and special training courses on selected topics. KISSsoft will be offering training in Bubikon, Switzerland and live streams, which will allow you flexibility and planning security, as well as the opportunity to interactively ask questions and participate in discussions in a virtual setting.

EVENT | 2023-01-12

KISSsoft Training - KISSsys - Model Customization

In the KISSsoft training program until summer 2023, you will find introductory training courses, advanced training courses and special training courses on selected topics. KISSsoft will be offering training in Bubikon, Switzerland and live streams, which will allow you flexibility and planning security, as well as the opportunity to interactively ask questions and participate in discussions in a virtual setting.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-10-10

GWJ Technology Extends Involute Gear Output Options

GWJ Technology GmbH has extended the output option of tooth forms of involute gears. GWJ has extended the output of tooth forms in 2D DXF format in its calculation modules single cylindrical gears, cylindrical gear pairs, planetary gear trains, three- and four-gear train systems, gear racks and involute splines as part of the new versions of its calculation solutions eAssistant and TBK.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-07-22

KISSsoft Examines Bevel Gear Strength Rating

Strength rating of bevel gears according to standards such as ISO, AGMA, etc. is executed based on virtual cylindrical gears, only modified by a few specific bevel gear factors. The rating methods of these standards also include the calculation of permissible stresses and finally result in safety factors. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-07-11

MESYS Software Version 06/2022 is Available

A new version of the MESYS shaft and rolling bearing analysis software including new functionality is available. The bearing analysis software allows the calculation of the load distribution within the bearing and bearing life according to ISO/TS 16281 and it is integrated in a shaft system calculation with additional possibilities like modal analysis, strength calculation for shafts and interfaces to gear calculations. Currently the software is used by customers in 30 countries on four continents.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-07-08

SMT Announces North America User Forum

2022 marks the 20th Anniversary of SMT’s focus on providing the tools and knowledge to drive engineering innovation in gearbox system analysis. With this historic company anniversary, the company has announced the return of the North America User Forum.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-06-30

KISSsoft Expands Training Program

Attendees will find KISSsoft introductory training courses, advanced training courses and special training courses on selected topics in 2022.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-06-09

KISSsoft 2022 Available June 21

The new KISSsoft Release 2022 provides numerous innovations - amongst others, in order to include the tooth fatigue limit in the verification, the information can be generated from time series.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-05-17

KISSsoft Software Available for Diverse Applications

The calculation program KISSsoft and its system add-on are used in a wide variety of applications: They are used for industrial gear units, the automotive industry, the energy sector, aerospace, shipping and numerous other special fields.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-05-12

SMT Offers Training Workshop on Improving MASTA Model Fidelity

SMT's May workshops aim to give attendees the tips and tricks needed to further improve the fidelity of the MASTA model. In this workshop, SMT engineers will go through some of the tools available including:

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-04-28

SMT Webinar Examines Software Tips and Tricks

SMT's latest webinar "MASTA Support - Tips, Tricks and FAQ" will take place May 4, 2022. The SMT customer support team receive queries covering all areas of MASTA, with industry 'hot topics' inevitably arising. In this webinar, SMT engineers focus on answering some of the queries that frequently make it into their support inbox. 

VIDEO | 2022-02-28

Laser Gear Inspection with Douglas Beerck of Gleason

Gear Technology Associate Editor Alex Cannella sits down with Douglas Beerck of Gleason Metrology at IMTS 2018 to discuss the latest technology in inline laser gear inspection. This video is part of the Revolutions series on Gear Technology TV.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-01-27

KISSsoft Includes FEM Calculations

FEM calculations have been included in KISSsoft on a long-term basis. For the calculation of planet carriers, gear body deflections and g...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-01-07

GWJ Technology Adds Online Calculation for Hirth Couplings

GWJ Technology GmbH, calculation specialist from Braunschweig, has added a new module to its web-based calculation software eAssistant - ...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-10-14

KISSsoft and SKF Collaborate on Bearing Calculation

KISSsoft and SKF have joint forces once more: In the KISSsoft Release 2021, the shaft module allows bearing calculations to be performed ...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-09-02

KISSsoft Examines Gear Strength Calculation with Load Collectives

Load spectra can be derived from time series - a measured time-torque-speed curve or one derived from simulations. For time series with o...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-07-15

KISSsoft Offers Crossed Helical Gear Calculations

The gear calculation in KISSsoft covers all common gear types such as cylindrical, bevel, hypoid, worm, beveloid, crown and crossed helic...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-02-22

Klingelnberg Offers Fatigue Strength and Service Calculation of Gears

Bevel gear design is well-established. Flank geometry optimization is used worldwide to ensure satisfactory low-noise emissions and speci...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-02-22

Fatigue Strength and Service Calculation of Gears

Bevel gear design is well-established. Flank geometry optimization is used worldwide to ensure satisfactory low-noise emis...

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-12-11

FVA Examines Load Capacity Calculations to Determine Cylindrical Gear Geometry

FVA has released its latest tech blog on the advantages of local load carrying capacity approaches compared to standardized methods. ...

The Book of Knowledge

Gears are wonderful things. Unfortunately, they require support from shafts, bearings, and some sort of housing to be useful. Without these things,...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-12-02

GWJ Technology Offers New Version of System Calculation

GWJ Technology GmbH is constantly working on optimizing its software products and integrating new functions. The new version of the Syste...

But What About ...

Some of you are probably calling forth the gear deities to smite me for promoting a “free thinking” approach to helix angles; I understand complete...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-08-17

GWJ Technology Extends Calculation of Planetary Gear Stages

GWJ Technology has released an updated version of the planetary gear module within the software eAssistant.The calculation module for pla...

Basic Training

So how do you go about becoming the confident and versatile professional these trying times require? I remember getting all the standard “work hard...

IMTS Future Tech

The Digital Manufacturing Revolution Evolves in 2020 IMTS will offer two comprehensive digital programs, IMTS Network and IMTS Sp...

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-07-14

GWJ Technology Offers Enhanced Calculation of Cylindrical Gears

GWJ Technology GmbH from Germany has updated the calculation module for cylindrical gears in its web-based software solution eAssistant.I...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-05-26

GWJ Technology Offers Detailed Online Calculation of Plastic Gears

GWJ Technology has updated its web-based calculation software eAssistant. The calculation of plastic gears is now available.In addition t...

Ask the Expert: 5/20/20 Edition

From time to time I’ll be doing some brief Ask the Expert questions and answers. These questions will be on topics that might be very familiar ...

Real-Time Measurement Opportunities

Shop floor inspection and gaging equipment is putting advanced metrology systems right on the factory floor. Here’s a collection of articles on shop floor inspection and gages from companies like Gleason, Mahr, Comtorgage, United Tool Supply and Frenco.

The Perks of Being a Role Model

If you have been a long time “individual contributor” you may wonder why you should accept the un-requested “promotion” to role model within your o...

Behind the Curtain

Regular readers know of my concerns about the over reliance on commercial gear design software. Some of what you are about to hear may sound famili...

Education vs. Training

My son Derrick is a proud graduate of the University of Cincinnati’s School of Design. He completed the five-year, mandatory co-op program at a tim...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-10-11

KISSsoft Introduces Double Planetary Stage Calculations

Today, various types of planetary gearboxes are increasingly being used in the hybridization of drivetrains. Since the KISSsoft Release 2...

Where Did All the Dealmakers Go?

An old business associate called the other day with a training request. To the best of my knowledge, he’s among the last “manufacturer’s representa...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-09-05

KISSsoft Offers Bevel Gear Calculation

Calculation of scuffing for bevel and hypoid gears has been enhanced in KISSsoft Release 2019 (module ZC2, ZC9) according to the current ...

Gear Origins: Roman Cisek

I was lucky to get a job as a design engineer – drive train department with a big construction equipment manufacturer (HSW) in Poland, right after ...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-07-24

MESYS Offers Latest Version of Shaft and Bearing Calculation Software

A new version of the MESYS shaft and bearing calculation software (Version 07/2019) is available and provides several new features. An ad...

Gear Origins: Graham Penning

For the last few years I have delivered a gear foundation course to both young and experienced engineers wanting to understand gear technology, and...

Claude Gosselin: Gears — Why Not?

When I graduated as a mechanical engineer in 1978, I landed a job in the “cold section” at Pratt & Whitney Canada (PWC) in Montreal. In those d...

Rocket Scientists are Gear People Too!

Dr. Handschuh’s origin story reminds us that the future...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-05-01

FVA-Workbench 5.5 Offers Detailed Transmission Calculation Results

FVA-Workbench Version 5.5 of the simulation platform for transmission systems, released in May, accelerates development processes and pro...

Hanspeter Dinner—My Story

It was the middle of December — rainy, dark, late, cold. My job with a roller coaster company was the wrong choice. I had a job interview with KISS...

Yefim Kotlyar — My Story

Yefim Kotlyar is a wonderful example of how gears unite the world. His background is much different than mine, yet we share a deep appreciation...

Ed Kaske — My Story

Ed Kaske was one of the first to respond to our request for origin stories. I apologize for the delay in getting this to print; we liked it so ...

My Story: Ernie Reiter

In the last semester of my senior year of mechanical engineering, I recall having a discussion with my study group friends about the purpose of our...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-02-22

GWJ Expands Latest Version of System Calculation Software

GWJ Technology, Germany, a manufacturer and provider of calculation software for mechanical engineering and gear manufacturing, recently ...

From Co-op to Vice President: Octave A. LaBath

I was attending the University of Cincinnati in the college of engineering. After my freshman year in 1960, I started my co-op job with the Cincinn...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-01-22

GWJ Technology Offers Calculation Workshop for Formula Student Teams

At the end of October 2018, GWJ Technology, a provider of software solutions for gear and gearboxes, organized a workshop for the second ...

A Time for Gratitude

An early winter storm has knocked out our Internet connection as I write this. A startling reminder of just how much we rely on the world wide web ...

What Should You Save?

While we are on the...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-11-15

Beautiful on the Inside

Higher Quality Internal Gears

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-10-22

KISSsoft Offers Shaft Calculation and the Shaft Editor

Additional features have been implemented in the Shaft Editor, which make it much easier to input shafts (WPK module). Users can pull on ...

The Usual Suspects

Once you accept that “stuff” happens in even the best of machine shops, you can begin to assess where the problems are likely to occur and start th...

Gearbox Design: Checks and Double Checks

We have been devoting this year’s blogs to fundamentals. I frequently remind my clients that the gear geometry is the easy part of gearbox design. ...

Gear Design: More Than Pretty Pictures

No one has a drafti...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-07-26

KISSsoft Implements Bevel and Hypoid Gear Calculations

In the ISO Committee, the scuffing load capacity calculation for bevel and hypoid gears is currently in draft form, and has been implemen...

Gear Design: Putting Knowledge to Work

We have now sp...

Hardenability 102

Material Grade in Gears


Hardenability 101

Material Grade in Gears

The reason not all gears can be made from the same material grade has to do with hardenability. We have long unde...

What’s Your Angle?

Hulet self-unloader image courtesy of ASME. Interesting things happen when you start using “non-standard” gear geometry. As early as th...

Making Things Work

There is an old saying that if the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Imagine that you are tasked by your employer to de...

That X Factor

Our international readers are no doubt chuckling over this silly, American “long addendum” terminology. The “civilized world” has long relied on a ...

Bending the Rules

In my last posting I advised designers to avoid relying on “rules of thumb” or computer coding when confronted with tough decisions. This admonitio...

The Long and Short of It

One of the problems with “tribal knowledge” is that the terminology can confuse those who are not fully immersed in that community. I have lost ...


Filling in the Gaps

A few weeks ago, I admitted to not knowing much about the Klingelnberg system of bevels. Terry Edwards, chief designer at Pacific Star Marine in Br...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-03-23

KISSsoft Offers Calculations for Asymmetrical Toothings

The current KISSsoft version, 03/2017, provides you with a range of different options for calculating and inputting asymmetrical toothing...

Nothing Remains Constant

We cannot leave our lesson about tooth depths without covering bevel gears. There is a tendency to think of bevels and worms as being best left to ...

Out of Your Depth?

How did that over pin calculation work out? My congratulations if you managed to work your way through it without tearing your hair out. Guess what...

It Gets Complicated

Why did something as simple as a standard tooth form fail to get traction? While the old joke about the number of opinions at any meeting of engine...

My, What Big Teeth You Have!

When I get a call from a new client, one of the first things I ask is “How big are the gears?” One person’s “big” parts may be laughably tiny fo...

Herringbones 102

Imagine for a moment that your boss invented the herringbone tooth form and tasked you with building machines to cut them. This was the situation P...

Write it Down

Gear Expo was a wonderful opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. While I was out collecting swag, purely in support of my reporting dut...

Storage Problems

One of my favorite science fiction books is A Canticle for Leibowitz, by Walter M. Miller, Jr., originally published in 1960. This post-ap...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-09-22

KISSsoft Calculations Include Splines, Springs and Plain Hydrodynamic Bearings

KISSsoft's spline calculation now also includes a new function for calculating the strength of involute splined joints according to A...

Designing Very Strong Gear Teeth by Means of High Pressure Angles

The purpose of this paper is to present a method of designing and specifying gear teeth with much higher bending and surface contact strength (reduced bending and surface contact stresses). This paper will show calculation procedures, mathematical solutions and the theoretical background equations to do this.

Life is Uncertain

I love pithy statements of advice. If someone starts out with “Life is uncertain,” I will immediately add “so eat dessert first.” Call me the short...

Invisible Activity

Are you familiar with the “Law of the Farm?” The Law reminds everyone that there are some activities that cannot be rushed. No matter how many trac...

Way Waaay Back

Writing about my now cumbersome reference library prompted a bit of consolidation and reorganization. Unfortunately, my resolve diminished when I c...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2016-10-14

MESYS Updates Online Calculations

The free online calculations have been updated and can now be used on mobile devices. The calculations can either be used embedded in thi...
PRODUCT NEWS | 2016-09-01

Product News

News on the latest products in the industry.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2016-07-20

Covering All Angles

Klingelnberg Hosts 6th WZL Gear Conference in the USA 2016  Matthew Jaster, Senior Editor ...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2016-06-22

GWJ Technology Offers New Calculation Modules for Cylindrical Gears

GWJ Technology GmbH, a manufacturer of calculation software for machine elements and gearboxes, has upgraded its web-based calculation so...

Improved Navigation

  An inspection of a gearbox as old as me required a trip to Boston and a drive north into New Hampshire this week. I had been to Boston se...

Plastic Gearing Continues Converting the Unconverted

Plastic gears are everywhere today - throughout your car, at the oceans' lowest depths, in deep space. The question, when is a metal gear a candidate for plastic conversion, can be addressed in three words, i.e. what's the application?
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2016-02-26

KISSsoft Offers Gearbox Calculation Courses

KISSsoft software includes internationally recognized calculation standards and various design and optimization options, based on the exp...

Storage Capacity

The management here at Beyta Gear Service’s world headquarters has ordered a clean-up of certain storage areas. Our now adult children left quite a...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-12-10

KISSsoft Offers New Shaft Calculation Features

The shaft strength calculation method according to AGMA 6101-E08/6001-E08 is now available, and includes both a static and dynamic proof....

How Reliable is Our Information?

How much can we trust our understanding of how things work? There was a special joint web ex meeting this week between two AGMA committees that got...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-09-03

KISSsoft Offers Enhanced Heating Calculation for Gearboxes

The efficiency calculation and thermal analysis according to ISO/TR 14179 (module KS2) has been extended with several useful functionalit...
PRODUCT NEWS | 2015-09-01

Product News

News about New Products
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-08-18

KISSsysWeb Allows Companies Simple Calculation of KISSsys Models

KISSsoft recently introduced the KISSsysWeb, a new product that allows companies the calculation of KISSsys models in an easy and simple ...

Brainstorming to Better Products

Many gear companies are not in a position to develop new products but most of them could make their current products better. Business schools may p...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-05-20

KISSsoft Adds Flank Fracture Calculation to Latest Release

The flank fracture calculation according to ISO/DTR 19042 was recently added to the latest KISSsoft release 03/2015 (module ZZ4). This ty...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-03-11

KISSsoft Explains Calculation of the Face Load Factor

In the KHβ calculation, the manufacturing allowances are now considered using the combinations of (+/-) signs of fma and fhb (module...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-03-02

GWJ Technology Launches New Version of System Calculation for Gearboxes

GWJ Technology GmbH, a manufacturer of calculation software for machine elements and gears, recently launched a new version of its system...

Trust, but Verify

[starbox] Lest you come away from my last posting thinking I am completely trapped in the past, I’ve invested a fair amount in new software during ...

Questioning New Techniques

[starbox] In my last blog I mentioned the great analysis tools available to today’s gear engineers. On a current project, we are eagerly awaitin...

Getting in Gear with the Chain of Innovations

At the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, so-called mechanics were tasked with devising the precise methods that would make mass production possible. The result was the first generation of machine tools, which in turn required improved tooling and production methods.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2014-11-10

Extended Bolt Calculation in KISSsoft

In the bolt calculation according to VDI 2230 (module SPK), additional strength classes for nuts have been implemented in KISSsoft. ...

Adding it All Up

[starbox] So now you’ve seen my “20 Questions” method for employee performance reviews. I’ll make the spreadsheet available through this blog; ple...

Better to be Lucky than Smart

[starbox] The special 30th Anniversary Issue of Gear Technology magazine represents a lot of extra work on the part of...

30 Years of Calculation

Examining the history of software in mechanical engineering
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2014-05-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the May 2014 issue of Gear Technology.

What Happened to FEA?

[starbox] Thinking back on my experiences on the Helical Gear Rating Committee, I am a bit shocked at what hasn’t happened. As AGMA 218 was bein...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2014-02-27

KISSsoft Offers Standards in the Shaft Strength Calculation

For an analytical strength assessement, in the first instance the currently valid standard has to be applied. Therefore, an essential tas...

Practical Magic

[starbox] Today I have t

Barn Find Gearboxes

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2013-12-02

KISSsoft Offers Calculation of Cold-Wear

Low-speed wear or cold-wear is a phenomenon that occurs with slow rotating and heavily loaded gears. In the process, the EHD lubricant fi...

Exhibitors Confidential

Gear Expo 2013 product preview features a look at many of the key booths you won't want to miss.
ASK THE EXPERT | 2013-08-01

Girth Gear Inspection - Pre- and Post-Manufacture

What are the ins-and-outs of quality inspection of girth gears, from both a manufacturer and buyer perspective? Our experts respond.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2013-08-01

Gear Expo - Mecca Meccanica

It's an ideal time for a pilgrimage to AGMA’s Fall Technical Meeting and Gear Expo, which take place in Indianapolis.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2013-03-13

KISSsoft Implements Marine Calculations

Det Norske Veritas provides with the standard No. 41.2 "Calculation of gear rating for marine transmission" a widespread gear ...

How to Conduct a Heat Treat Audit

Audits of the heat treating department are a vital part of any good quality program - either as part of a self-assessment or ISO program for a captive shop or - of equal importance - as part of an evaluation of the capabilities of a commercial heat treat supplier. In either case, the audit process needs to be formal in nature and follow specific guidelines.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2013-01-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2012-11-01

GT Extras

This issue's look at the web features videos posted at geartechnology.com, featuring Forest City Gear and Star SU.
VOICES | 2012-01-01

The Global Challenge to America's Engineering and Innovation Position

John P. Walter and Abby Dress analyze the challenges facing America's manufacturers to remain competitive in a global environment.

New Energy - Same Challenges

Uncertainty casts a shadow over future business opportunities for manufacturers serving the new energy markets.

Accelerating Validation Testing

Bringing new or improved products to market sooner has long been proven profitable for companies. One way to help shorten the time-to-market is to accelerate validation testing. That is, shorten the test time required to validate a new or improved product.

State of the Gear Industry 2011

In November, Gear Technology conducted an anonymous survey of gear manufacturers. Invitations were sent by e-mail to thousands of individuals around the world. More than 300 individuals responded to the online survey, answering questions about their manufacturing operations and current challenges facing their businesses.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2010-09-01

KISSsoft Introduces New Features with Latest Release

Tooth contact under load is an important verification of the real contact conditions of a gear pair and an important add-on to the strength calculation according to standards such as ISO, AGMA or DIN. The contact analysis simulates the meshing of the two flanks over the complete meshing cycle and is therefore able to consider individual modifications on the flank at each meshing position.

What's the Big Attraction - IMTS 2010

The great thing about a trade show the size of IMTS is the amount of options available to attendees. If you’re into cars, fighter jets, machine tools, fighting robots, manufacturing relics or simply the latest technology advancements in a particular industry, you’ll find it at IMTS 2010.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2010-08-01

Heller Introduces Gear Manufacturing on Five-Axis Milling Machines

In co-operation with Voith, a major transmission manufacturer in Germany, Heller has developed a process that significantly enhances the productivity of pre-milling and gear milling operations performed on a single 5-axis machining center.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2010-05-01

KISSsoft Update Integrates Parasolid CAD Core

The machine element package by KISSsoft for the design and optimization of components like gears, shafts, bearings and others is now available in the new version 04/2010.

Communication Breakdown--Overcoming Cultural and Language Barriers in the Global Gear Market

If you've read any business publications lately, chances are you've seen an article or two covering language and cultural barriers in the global marketplace.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2008-03-01

In Memoriam: Donald R. McVittie

It is with regret we report that Donald R. McVittie passed away January 20, 2008.
EVENTS | 2007-01-01

AGMA Delegates Meet Chinese Counterparts

The AGMA pavilion was a hot spot at October's PTC-Asia show in Shanghai, as evidenced by the intense quoting reported by exhibitors.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2005-02-17

Ipsen Ships Furnace Line to Taiwan

The IpsenI/O 3000 internal quench batch furnace line has been sold and shipped to the Shenli heat treating facility in Taiwan to heat tre...
PRODUCT NEWS | 2003-05-01

Product News

Complete Product News for May/June 2003.
VOICES | 2002-01-01

The Gear Analysis Handbook by James L. Taylor Vibration Consultants Inc.

The author has written this book primarily from the viewpoint of analyzing vibrations on heavy industrial and mill gearing that may have been in service for a prolonged time. The purpose is to diagnose problems, especially the source or cause of failure. However, the principles and analysis techniques can be used for all types and sizes of gears, as well as for gear noise analysis.

The Calculation of Optimum Surface Carbon Content for Carburized Case Hardened Gears

For high-quality carburized, case hardened gears, close case carbon control is essential. While tight carbon control is possible, vies on what optimum carbon level to target can be wider than the tolerance.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2000-11-01

A Pause That Refreshes

When you to to IMTS, you expect to see hoopla. The mass of machines and bodies gathered in one place should create an unmistakable level of energy and enthusiasm. IMTS 2000 seemed uncharacteristically quiet...
EVENTS | 2000-09-01

Technical Calendar

Complete Technical Calendar for September/October 2000.

Reducing Production Costs in Cylindrical Gear Hobbing and Shaping

Increased productivity in roughing operations for gear cutting depends mainly on lower production costs in the hobbing process. In addition, certain gears can be manufactured by shaping, which also needs to be taken into account in the search for a more cost-effective form of production.
REVOLUTIONS | 1999-07-01


Welcome to Revolutions, the column that brings you the latest, most up-to-date and easy-to-read information about the people and technology of the gear industry.

Comparing Standards

One of the best ways to learn the ISO 6336 gear rating system is to recalculate the capacity of a few existing designs and to compare the ISO 6336 calculated capacity to your experience with those designs and to other rating methods. For these articles, I'll assume that you have a copy of ISO 6336, you have chosen a design for which you have manufacturing drawings and an existing gear capacity calculation according to AGMA 2001 or another method. I'll also assume that you have converted dimensions, loads, etc. into the SI system of measurement.

Hobs & Form Relived Cutters: Common Sharpening Problems

Fig. 1 shows the effects of positive and negative rake on finished gear teeth. Incorrect positive rake (A) increase the depth and decreases the pressure angle on the hob tooth. The resulting gear tooth is thick at the top and thin at the bottom. Incorrect negative rake (B) decreases the depth and increases the pressure angle. This results in a cutting drag and makes the gear tooth thin at the top and thick at the bottom.

Special Machine Manufacturer Brings Gear Making In-House

When you have a multi-million-dollar transfer line sitting on the shop floor waiting for gears that might take up to two months to get, you have a costly bottleneck.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1997-07-01

M & M Precision, Penn State & NIST Team Up For Gear Metrology Research

In 1993, M & M Precision Systems was awarded a three-year, partial grant from the Advanced Technology Program of the Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Working with Pennsylvania State University, M&M embarked on a technology development project to advance gear measurement capabilities to levels of accuracy never before achieved.

Eddy Current Examination of Gear Systems

Nondestructive examination (NDE) of ferrous and nonferrous materials has long proved an effective maintenance and anomaly characterization tool for many industries. Recent research has expanded its applicability to include the inspection of large, open gear drives. Difficulties inherent in other NDE methods make them time-consuming and labor-intensive. They also present the user with the environmental problem of the disposal of used oil. The eddy current method addresses these problems.
ADDENDUM | 1997-03-01

Down By The Old Mill Stream

Back in the days when our great, great, great, etc., grandaddies were designing gears, one of the most common materials in use was wood. For fairly obvious reasons, we don't see too many wooden gears around anymore. But there are a few.

Alternative Lubrication Methods for Large Open Gear Drives

The type of lubricant and the method of applying it to the tooth flanks of large open gears is very important from the point of view of lubrication technology and maintenance. When selecting the type of lubricant and the application method, it is important to check whether it is possible to feed the required lubricant quantity to the load-carrying tooth flanks, This is necessary to avoid deficient lubrication, damage to the gear and operational malfunctions. It is important to determine the type of lubricant, which may be fluid or grease-like. The consistency of the lubricant will have a direct impact on the ability of the lubrication system to feed adequately the lubricant to the gear. The interactions between the common types of lubricant and the lubrication application methods for open gear drives are shown in Fig. 1.

How to Avoid Errors When Measuring Step Gears

There are problems in dimensional measurement that should be simple to solve with standard measuring procedures, but aren't. In such cases, using accepted practices may result in errors of hundreds of microns without any warning that something is wrong.

How Many Mice Does It Take to Design a Gear

Gear design has long been a "black art." The gear shop's modern alchemists often have to solve problems with a combination of knowledge, experience and luck. In many cases, trial and error are the only effective way to design gears. While years of experience have produced standard gearsets that work well for most situations, today's requirements for quieter, more accurate and more durable gears often force manufacturers to look for alternative designs.
EVENTS | 1994-01-01


Complete calendar for January/February 1994
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1994-01-01

The Gear Hobbing Process

Gear hobbing is a generating process. The term generating refers to the fact that the gear tooth form cut is not the conjugate form of the cutting tool, the hob. During hobbing both the hob and the workpiece rotate in a continuous rotational relationship. During this rotation, the hob is typically fed axially with all the teeth being gradually formed as the tool traverses the work face (see Fig. 1a).
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1993-07-01

Gear Tip Chamfer and Gear Noise; Surface Measurement of Spiral Bevel Gear Teeth

Could the tip chamfer that manufacturing people usually use on the tips of gear teeth be the cause of vibration in the gear set? The set in question is spur, of 2.25 DP, with 20 degrees pressure angle. The pinion has 14 teeth and the mating gear, 63 teeth. The pinion turns at 535 rpm maximum. Could a chamfer a little over 1/64" cause a vibration problem?

Line of Action: Concepts & Calculations

In the past gear manufacturers have had to rely on hob manufacturers' inspection of individual elements of a hob, such as lead, involute, spacing, and runout. These did not always guarantee correct gears, as contained elements may cause a hob to produce gears beyond tolerance limits.
VOICES | 1991-11-01


Dear Editor: In Mr. Yefim Kotlyar's article "Reverse Engineering" in the July/August issue, I found an error in the formula used to calculate the ACL = Actual lead from the ASL = Assumed lead.

Gear Fundamentals Reverse Engineering

Whether gear engineers have to replace an old gear which is worn out, find out what a gear's geometry is after heat treatment distortion, or just find out parameters of gears made by a competitor, sometimes they are challenged with a need to determine the geometry of unknown gears. Depending on the degree of accuracy required, a variety of techniques are available for determining the accuracy of an unknown gear. If a high degree of precision is important, a gear inspection device has to be used to verify the results. Frequently, several trial-and-error attempts are made before the results reach the degree of precision required.

The Lubrication of Gears - Part 1

This is a three-part article explaining the principles of gear lubrication. It reviews current knowledge of the field of gear tribology and is intended for both gear designers and gear operators. Part 1 classifies gear tooth failures into five modes and explains the factors that a gear designer and operator must consider to avoid gear failures. It defines the nomenclature and gives a list of references for those interested in further research. It also contains an in-depth discussion of the gear tooth failure modes that are influenced by lubrication and gives methods for preventing gear tooth failures.
VOICES | 1991-01-01

AGMA Responds to Gear Standards Article

The authors of last issue's article comparing AGMA, ISO and BS methods for Pitting Resistance Ratings are commended. Trying to compare various methods of rating gears is like hitting a moving target in a thick forest. The use of different symbols, presentations, terminology, and definitions in these standards makes it very difficult. But the greatest problem lies with the authors' use of older versions of these documents. ISO drafts and AGMA standards have evolved at the same time their work was accomplished and edited.

Accurate and Fast Gear Trigonometry

An accurate and fast calculation method is developed to determine the value of a trigonometric function if the value of another trigonometric function is given. Some examples of conversion procedures for well-known functions in gear geometry are presented, with data for accuracy and computing time. For the development of such procedures the complete text of a computer program is included.

Into-Mesh Lubrication of Spur Gears - Part 2

In the lubrication and cooling of gear teeth a variety of oil jet lubrication schemes is sometimes used. A method commonly used is a low pressure, low velocity oil jet directed at the ingoing mesh of the gears, as was analyzed in Reference 1. Sometimes an oil jet is directed at the outgoing mesh at low pressures. It was shown in Reference 2 that the out-of-mesh lubrication method provides a minimal impingement depth and low cooling of the gears because of the short fling-off time and fling-off angle.(3) In References 4 and 5 it was shown that a radially directed oil jet near the out-of-mesh position with the right oil pressure was the method that provided the best impingement depth.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 1987-01-01

Industry Shows Shift Emphasis

A change has taken place within the industry that is going to have an enormous effect on the marketing, sales, and purchasing of gear manufacturing and related equipment. This change was the American Gear Manufacturers' Association, first biennial combination technical conference and machine tool minishow.

Curvic Coupling Design

Curvic Couplings were first introduced in 1942 to meet the need for permanent couplings and releasing couplings (clutches), requiring extreme accuracy and maximum load carrying capacity, together with a fast rate of production. The development of the Curvic Coupling stems directly from the manufacture of Zerol and spiral bevel gears since it is made on basically similar machines and also uses similar production methods. The Curvic Coupling can therefore lay claim to the same production advantages and high precision associated with bevel gears.
VOICES | 1985-09-01

Industry Forum

Your May/June issue contains a letter from Edward Ubert of Rockwell International with some serious questions about specifying and measuring tooth thickness.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 1984-10-01

Notes from the Editor's Desk

History comes around full circle. It is interesting to talk to gear manufacturers who service the defense, aerospace, automotive and computer industries and find that their sales, production and backlogs reflect excellent and, in some cases, record breaking business.

Endurance Limit for Contact Stress in Gears

With the publishing of various ISO draft standards relating to gear rating procedures, there has been much discussion in technical papers concerning the various load modification factors. One of the most basic of parameters affecting the rating of gears, namely the endurance limit for either contact or bending stress, has not, however, attracted a great deal of attention.

Scoring Load Capacity of Gears Lubricated with EP-Oils

The Integral Temperature Method for the evaluation of the scoring load capacity of gears is described. All necessary equations for the practical application are presented. The limit scoring temperature for any oil can be obtained from a gear scoring test.

Determination of Gear Ratios

Selection of the number of teeth for each gear in a gear train such that the output to input angular velocity ratio is a specified value is a problem considered by relatively few published works on gear design.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1984-05-01

The Process of Gear Shaving

Gear shaving is a free-cutting gear finishing operation which removes small amounts of metal from the working surfaces of the gear teeth. Its purpose is to correct errors in index, helical angle, tooth profile and eccentricity.
VIDEO | 0000-00-00

Test Video
