KISSsoft Calculations Include Splines, Springs and Plain Hydrodynamic Bearings
KISSsoft's spline calculation now also includes a new function for calculating the strength of involute splined joints according to AGMA 6123-C16. The AGMA 6123 standard can also be used to take into account the effect of axis misalignment and crowning, and also to check for rim fracture: Comparative calculation. (Part of the MPK basic package)
For springs, some tolerance standards for wire diameter have been added, and existing ones (DIN EN 10218:2012 and DIN EN 10270-3:2012) have been brought up to date.
(Part of the FPK basic package)
The DIN 31652 standard is now also available for use with hydrodynamic plain bearings. It is similar to ISO 7902, but has some additional parameters and covers a larger width/diameter range: Comparative calculation.
(Module WB3)