
May 1, 1998

Design Calculation Gear Noise Involute Kinematics Simulation Software Manufacturing Cutting Tools Hobs Tool Sharpening Machine Tools CNC Processes Face Milling Milling Inspection Transmission Error Technical Bevel Gears Cylindrical Gears Hypoid Gears Spiral Bevel Gears

Hobs & Form Relived Cutters: Common Sharpening Problems

Fig. 1 shows the effects of positive and negative rake on finished gear teeth. Incorrect positive rake (A) increase the depth and decreases the pressure angle on the hob tooth. The resulting gear tooth is thick at the top and thin at the bottom. Incorrect negative rake (B) decreases the depth and increases the pressure angle. This results in a cutting drag and makes the gear tooth thin at the top and thick at the bottom.
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This article appeared in the May/June 1998 issue.

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