
Gear Noise


Hard Fine Machining of E-Components in the Border Area of Quality Requirements and Productivity

Overall developments and widespread public awareness of man-made climate change are transforming the way people think. The awareness has inspired a shift towards a more ecologically sustainable way of life. Driven by policymaking and technological innovation, ambitious efforts are underway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to curb the rise in average temperatures. A key focus of these efforts is the mobility sector. 

VIDEO | 2024-04-16

Klingelnberg Highlights Höfler Cylindrical Gear Roll Testing Machine R 300

The Höfler Cylindrical Gear Roll Testing Machine R 300 is the latest machine development from Klingelnberg in the area of cylindrical gear technology. Designed for all roll testing methods, this compact machine is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to combine inspection cycles and reduce disassembly costs while benefiting from a user-friendly design.


The Evolution of Gear Dynamics and Gear Noise

A deep dive into the world of gear dynamics and gear noise has led many a mechanical engineer to Columbus, OH in search of the methods by which gear noise is measured and predicted as well as the techniques employed in gear noise and vibration reduction. Over the past 40+ years, about 2,550 engineers and technicians from 385+ companies have attended the Gear Dynamics and Gear Noise Short Course at The Ohio State University.

EVENT | 2023-09-15

Aachen Forum on Gear Production

In this seminar, attendees will learn about gearing, electromobility and their interrelationships. How gearing can increase the efficiency and performance of electromobility, and which components are needed for this. Also, a detailed look at the design and manufacture of gears for electric vehicles. Attendees will explore the challenges of gearing for electromobility, such as adapting to hard-to-reach places, increasing durability, and reducing energy consumption, and discuss how grinding technology and tool design must meet requirements to improve the properties and improve the quality of gears for electric vehicles. The Aachen Forum on Gear Production (AFGP) is held annually in alternation with the Aachen Conference on Gear Production (ACGP). While the Forum at the RWTH Aachen Campus is dedicated to a technical focus (2023 the interlocking in the E-Mobility sector) the conference, on the other hand, is dedicated to various facets of gear technology.

VIDEO | 2023-06-07

Klingelnberg R 300 Cylindrical Gear Roll Testing Machine

How do gear noises occur and why is this topic becoming increasingly important? Klingelnberg will take you along as we explore the causes and at the same time present the solutions.

EVENT | 2023-03-01

Gleason e-Drive Days 2023

Gleason's e-Drive Days online webinar addresses the specific requirements and challenges of e-Drive transmission manufacture, with particular attention to minimizing gear noise. The event showcases the latest developments in design, simulation, cutting and hard finishing, as well as suitable inspection and analysis tools to achieve most efficient and quiet gears. Day one examines gearbox design and optimization; day two looks at the manufacturing of e-Drive gears; day three offers in-process inspection and gear noise analysis. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-01-31

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives: Liebherr

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives takes an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities in gear manufacturing today and in the future. Our third installment online is an interview with Peter Wiedemann, managing director, Liebherr-Verzahntechnik GmbH and Scott Yoders, vice president sales, Liebherr Gear Technology, Inc. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-01-30

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives: Klingelnberg

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives takes an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities in gear manufacturing today and in the future. Our second installment online is an interview with Christof Gorgels, vice president, innovation and technology at Klingelnberg. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-01-27

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives: Gleason Corporation

State of the Gear Industry Perspectives takes an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities in gear manufacturing today and in the future. Our first installment online is an interview with Udo Stolz, vice president of sales and marketing at Gleason Corporation.

EVENT | 2023-01-11

Gear Dynamics & Gear Noise Short Course

The 4-day Gear Dynamics & Gear Noise Short Course will be held on the Ohio State campus from June 5-8, 2023. The course content is based on the results of 30+ years of gearing research, problem solving and consulting work by the OSU faculty. The course will be taught in the “in-person” mode with limited enrollment, with no online component.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-08-09

Beyond Closed Loop but Lean

When it comes to an early identification of noise problems in the drivetrain one has to take data analytics and its integration in the manufacturing process into account. The big vision here, in particular, is preventive quality. By evaluating sensor data of the machining process, it promises to predict whether a gear is ok or not ok. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-06-14

Making Gear Noise Visible

Klingelnberg examines gear noise behavior and the evolution of the electric powertrain. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-05-06

Klingelnberg Examines Gear Grinding Challenges Today

Within the last decade, hard finishing technologies become highly relevant. Increasing the power density of a gearbox requires precisely machined gears without heat distortions. Especially in noise-sensitive applications, both honing and grinding are often applied.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-04-25

Gleason Presents Sub-Micron Gear Inspection at Control 2022

With its brand-new 300GMS nano Gear Metrology System, Gleason presents a world- first at Control Show 2022, May 03-06, Stuttgart, Germany. The capability of measuring gears at sub-micron level, executing advanced waviness analysis and evaluating gear noise using the most advanced analytical tools, make the 300GMS nano ideally suited to support automotive e-drive production with minimum noise requirements. 


Psychoacoustic Optimization of Gear Noise - Chaotic Scattering of Micro Geometry and Pitch on Cylindrical Gears

A validated simulation model is used to analyze more in-depth investigations into the influence of a stochastic course of the pitch error on the quasi-static excitation behavior.

Understanding and Controlling the Source of Gear Noise

Addressing one of the most talked about noise sources — gears.

Psychoacoustics Applied to eDrive Noise Reduction

Physical effects causing transmission noise.
ASK THE EXPERT | 2021-05-01

Gear Noise Cause of a Different Stripe

“ It is very hard to find out any paper regarding ‘tiger stripes’ failure, created by electrical discharge current over the gear teeth.” I wish to have some more information on this issue + how it affects the vibration / noise signatures; why does it creates the tiger stripes profile; how deep are the pittings; why does it create the noise and the possibility of running a gear with this failure?”

IMTS Future Tech

The Digital Manufacturing Revolution Evolves in 2020 IMTS will offer two comprehensive digital programs, IMTS Network and IMTS Sp...


Polishing the Crystal Ball

  Few people enjoy cost estimating and pricing exercises. I have blogged about this topic before but thought it was worthy of another look ...

Claude Gosselin: Gears — Why Not?

When I graduated as a mechanical engineer in 1978, I landed a job in the “cold section” at Pratt & Whitney Canada (PWC) in Montreal. In those d...

Applying the Fundamentals

Yefim Kotlyar’s origin story is a great lesson to anyone entering the o...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-08-13

International Gear Conference 2018

Lyon, France. Mechanical transmission components such as gears, rolling element bearings, CVTs, belts, chains, etc. are present in every industrial...

Shake, Rattle and Roll

Software Providers Examine the Dynamic Behavior of Gear Noise.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2016-07-20

Covering All Angles

Klingelnberg Hosts 6th WZL Gear Conference in the USA 2016  Matthew Jaster, Senior Editor ...

Plastic Gearing Continues Converting the Unconverted

Plastic gears are everywhere today - throughout your car, at the oceans' lowest depths, in deep space. The question, when is a metal gear a candidate for plastic conversion, can be addressed in three words, i.e. what's the application?
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-11-01

Industry News

Latest news from around the industry
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2015-06-01

Industry News

News from Around the Gear Industry

Recreating History


Times Haven’t Changed That Much

PRODUCT NEWS | 2013-01-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2012-10-29

Gleason and SMT Form Strategic Partnership

Gleason Corporation and Smart Manufacturing Technology (SMT) have formed a global strategic partnership to provide gear manufacturers wor...

Growing Pains - Renewables Hang on in Turbulent Energy Market

The turbines are still spinning. They’re spinning on large wind farms in the Great Plains, offshore in the Atlantic and even underwater where strong tidal currents offer new energy solutions. These turbines spin regularly while politicians and policy makers— tied up in discussions on tax incentives, economic recovery and a lot of finger pointing—sit idle. Much like the auto and aerospace industries of years past, renewable energy is coping with its own set of growing pains. Analysts still feel confident that clean energy will play a significant role in the future of manufacturing—it’s just not going to play the role envisioned four to five years ago.

The Road Leads Straight to Hypoflex

A new method for cutting straight bevel gears.

Detailed Computer Model of Gearbox Reduces Design Time

LMS International helped a Fiat subsidiary develop a new, dynamic vibro-acoustic prediction method to reduce design time and engineering costs through accurate prediction of gear noise in the design phase.

Design Robustness and it Effect on Transmission Error and Other Design Parameters

Transmission errors, axial shuttling forces and friction result in bearing forces that serve as the major excitations of gear noise. This paper will use these factors as well as gear stresses and tribological factors to assist in obtaining optimal gear designs.

The Design and Testing of a Low Noise Marine Gear

This article offers an overview of the practical design of a naval gear for combined diesel or gas turbine propulsion (CODOG type). The vibration performance of the gear is tested in a back-to-back test. The gear presented is a low noise design for the Royal Dutch Navy's LCF Frigate. The design aspects for low noise operation were incorporated into the overall gear system design. Therefore, special attention was paid to all the parameters that could influence the noise and vibration performance of the gearbox. These design aspects, such as tooth corrections, tooth loading, gear layout, balance, lubrication and resilient mounting, will be discussed.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 1999-07-01

Kicking Tires

For the first time in probably 15 years, I've attended an auto show. Although I haven't been purposely avoiding them, over the past decade or so, the auto industry hasn't given me a compelling reason to go.

Hobs & Form Relived Cutters: Common Sharpening Problems

Fig. 1 shows the effects of positive and negative rake on finished gear teeth. Incorrect positive rake (A) increase the depth and decreases the pressure angle on the hob tooth. The resulting gear tooth is thick at the top and thin at the bottom. Incorrect negative rake (B) decreases the depth and increases the pressure angle. This results in a cutting drag and makes the gear tooth thin at the top and thick at the bottom.

CNC Gear Grinding Methods

Grinding in one form or another has been used for more than 50 years to correct distortions in gears caused by the high temperatures and quenching techniques associated with hardening. Grinding improves the lead, involute and spacing characteristics. This makes the gear capable of carrying the high loads and running at the high pitch line velocities required by today's most demanding applications. Gears that must meet or exceed the accuracy requirements specified by AGMA Quality 10-11 or DIN Class 6-7 must be ground or hard finished after hear treatment.

Gear Noise and the Making of Silent Gears

Our research group has been engaged in the study of gear noise for some nine years and has succeeded in cutting the noise from an average level to some 81-83 dB to 76-78 dB by both experimental and theoretical research. Experimental research centered on the investigation into the relation between the gear error and noise. Theoretical research centered on the geometry and kinematics of the meshing process of gears with geometric error. A phenomenon called "out-of-bound meshing of gears" was discovered and mathematically proven, and an in-depth analysis of the change-over process from the meshing of one pair of teeth to the next is followed, which leads to the conclusion we are using to solve the gear noise problem. The authors also suggest some optimized profiles to ensure silent transmission, and a new definition of profile error is suggested.
VOICES | 1987-05-01


Joe Arvin comments on his recent trip to Scandinavia and how U.S. defense dollars are being spent overseas. J.D. Smith responds to an article on gear noise from the previous issue.

Crowning: A Cheap Fix for Noise Reduction and Misalignment Problems and Applications

Noisy gear trains have been a common problem for gear designers for a long time. With the demands for smaller gear boxes transmitting more power at higher rpms and incumbent demands for greater efficiency, gear engineers are always searching for new ways to reduce vibration and limit noise without increasing costs.

Gear Noise and the Sideband Phenomenon

Gear noise can be a source of intense annoyance. It is often the primary source of annoyance even when it is not the loudest noise component. This is because of the way it is perceived. Gear noise is a collection of pure tones which the human ear can detect even when they are 10dB lower than the overall noise level. Another reason for our sensitivity to transmission noise is that we associate it with impending mechanical failure.

Identification and Correction of Damaging Resonances in Gear Drives

As a result of extensive research into the vibration characteristics of gear drives, a systematic approach has evolved, by which damaging resonances can be eliminated. The method combines finite element techniques with experimental signature and modal analyses. Implementation of the bulk of the method can be carried out early in the design stage. A step-by-step description of the approach, as it was applied to an existing accessory drive, is given in the text. It is shown how premature bearing failures were eliminated by detuning the torsional oscillations of a gearshaft. A dramatic reduction in vibration levels was achieved as a result of detuning the problem gear. The proposed approach can be extended to other types of rotating machines.