
Face Milling

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-04-22

Sandvik Coromant Examines Shift to Electric Vehicles

The transition to EVs will lower transport emissions, and adoption can be accelerated by increasing their efficiency. EVs that take advantage of aluminum components can travel further per charge, helping to overcome range anxiety. Automotive manufacturers who select machining tools optimized for aluminum will be able to produce high-quality aluminum EV components ― helping to support the shift to greener travel.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-11-15

Walter Introduces New Face Milling Cutter

Walter has introduced the Xtra·tec XT M5009 face milling cutter for face milling, roughing, and rough finishing with wiper inserts...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-02-22

Fatigue Strength and Service Calculation of Gears

Bevel gear design is well-established. Flank geometry optimization is used worldwide to ensure satisfactory low-noise emis...


CNC Manufacturing of Circular Faced Cylindrical Gears

Spur cylindrical gears are usually cut using a hob and therefore present an essentially straight face to which crowning can be added to prevent edge contact. Rather than using a rack or hob, it is possible to cut cylindrical gears with a face mill cutter. In the following presentation, these gears are termed "spurved," i.e. — a contraction of "spur" and "curved."

Reverse Cutter Hand for Face Milling and Face Hobbing

Is a left-hand cutter required for a left-hand face mill part?

Claude Gosselin: Gears — Why Not?

When I graduated as a mechanical engineer in 1978, I landed a job in the “cold section” at Pratt & Whitney Canada (PWC) in Montreal. In those d...

CNC Milling of Straight and Spiral Bevel Gears

Contrary to what appears to be popular belief, 5-axis CNC gear manufacturing is not limited to milling with end mill, ball mill or CoSIMT (Conical Side Milling Tool — it is the generic form of the Sandvik InvoMill and Gleason UpGear tools.) tools, where throughput is too low to prevent production at any significant level. Straight and spiral bevel gear manufacturing on 5-axis CNC machines using face mill cutters provides essentially the same throughput as conventional gear cutting machines — with added benefits.

PentacMono-RT: High-Performance Face Milling Cutter Heads

The theory behind the latest bevel gear cutting tools is explained in detail.

Engineering Safety (Part One)

Watching the movie Deepwater Horizon got me thinking about current attitudes on workplace safety. (Full disclosure — I am a bit of a cr...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-10-03

Sandvik Coromant CoroMill 745 Face Milling Cutter Provides Higher Metal Removal Rates for Roughing and Semi-Finishing Milling Operations

Cutting tool and tooling system specialist Sandvik Coromant has unveiled a new, high-feed version of the CoroMill 745 face mill...

Fundamentals of Maintenance

Modern cars and trucks are wonderfully reliable and durable. As much as I love old cars I cannot cleanse my memory of the heartbreaking behavior th...
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2016-07-01

Life in High Gear

Most books related to the gear industry are more about the business side or the technical aspects of what we do.

Bevel Gear Cutting Methods

THE FINAL CHAPTER This is the last in the series of chapters excerpted from Dr. Hermann J. Stadtfeld's Gleason Bevel Gear Technology - a book written for specialists in planning, engineering, gear design and manufacturing. The work also addresses the technical information needs of researchers, scientists and students who deal with the theory and practice of bevel gears and other angular gear systems. While all of the above groups are of course of invaluable importance to the gear industry, it is surely the students who hold the key to its future. And with that knowledge it is reassuring to hear from Dr. Stadtfeld of the enthusiastic response he has received from younger readers of these chapter installments.

Practical Gear Characteristics: Process Characteristics of the Most Popular Cutting Methods

The cutting process consists of either a roll only (only generating motion), a plunge only or a combination of plunging and rolling. The material removal and flank forming due to a pure generating motion is demonstrated in the simplified sketch in Figure 1 in four steps. In the start roll position (step 1), the cutter profile has not yet contacted the work. A rotation of the work around its axis (indicated by the rotation arrow) is coupled with a rotation of the cutter around the axis of the generating gear (indicated by the vertical arrow) and initiates a generating motion between the not-yet-existing tooth slot of the work and the cutter head (which symbolizes one tooth of the generating gear).
ASK THE EXPERT | 2016-03-01

Hard-Finishing Spiral Bevel Gears

Could you explain to me the difference between spiral bevel gear process face hobbing-lapping, face milling-grinding and Klingelnberg HPG? Which one is better for noise, load capacity and quality?
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2014-05-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the May 2014 issue of Gear Technology.

Optimal Modifications of Gear Tooth Surfaces

In this paper a new method for the introduction of optimal modifications into gear tooth surfaces - based on the optimal corrections of the profile and diameter of the head cutter, and optimal variation of machine tool settings for pinion and gear finishing—is presented. The goal of these tooth modifications is the achievement of a more favorable load distribution and reduced transmission error. The method is applied to face milled and face hobbed hypoid gears.

Spiral Bevel Gears: Tribology Aspects in Angular Transmission Systems, Part IV

This article is part four of an eight-part series on the tribology aspects of angular gear drives. Each article will be presented first and exclusively by Gear Technology, but the entire series will be included in Dr. Stadtfeld’s upcoming book on the subject, which is scheduled for release in 2011.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2006-04-11

Bourn & Koch Expands

Bourn & Koch completed the addition of a new 20,000 square foot warehouse and a new 20,000 square foot two story engineering office build...

A Split Happened on the Way to Reliable, Higher-Volume Gear Grinding

Bevel gear manufacturers live in one of two camps: the face hobbing/lapping camp, and the face milling/grinding camp.

Hobs & Form Relived Cutters: Common Sharpening Problems

Fig. 1 shows the effects of positive and negative rake on finished gear teeth. Incorrect positive rake (A) increase the depth and decreases the pressure angle on the hob tooth. The resulting gear tooth is thick at the top and thin at the bottom. Incorrect negative rake (B) decreases the depth and increases the pressure angle. This results in a cutting drag and makes the gear tooth thin at the top and thick at the bottom.