
April 29, 2011

Product News Industry News

Techniks Boring Tools Maximize Productivity

Pinzbohr High Precision Modular Boring Tools from Techniks offer accuracy, rigidity and repeatability. All Pinzbohr boring tools are built with the quality, reliability and ease-of-use features machinists need to maximize productivity. Innovative features include the AccuSET dial for easy insert adjustments in increments of .0001". The SpeedSET feature enables synchronized setting of roughing heads without having to adjust individual slides, or having slides slip out of position during adjustment. The SafetySET feature prevents the operator from accidentally damaging the lock screw by over-tightening. The offset-center tapered lock screw coupling system provides maximum tightening force between the tool and the toolholder, while still allowing heads to be changed in spindle. Minimum boring size is .315". Maximum boring size is 19.685". Also available are the popular BohrSTAR kits, sized in ranges from .2362" up to 8.2677".



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