The Gear Industry's Global Information Source
Have you ever been to Malaysia? How about Indonesia, Brazil, Slovakia or Russia? Well, we have. We go there every issue. Gear Technology has subscribers all around the world, so we go to a lot of places. Heck, we even have a subscriber in Ethiopia. Really, Ethiopia. He’s responsible for making replacement parts, including gears, at a major cement manufacturer. (Hello, Daniel!)
All over the world, people are hungry for the type of information Gear Technology provides. People like Daniel seek us out to subscribe.
And we’re looking for them, too. When we identify new gear companies—no matter where they are—we send them free sample copies of the magazine. In return, they send back subscription forms.
Today, Gear Technology has paid or qualified subscribers in 70 countries. In January, we mailed an extra 1,000 copies of the magazine to gear manufacturers in China. This issue, we’ve done the same thing by mailing to potential subscribers in India.
We embrace the globalization of the gear industry. In today’s world, you almost have to. Many of you work for companies who have established joint ventures, partnerships, sales and marketing agreements or other arrangements with companies in other parts of the world. You, too, embrace the globalization of the gear industry.
But I know what some of you are thinking. Why is Gear Technology helping to educate my potential competitors around the world? Does Gear Technology want my foreign competitors to take away my business?