

PRODUCT NEWS | 2024-12-12

Verisurf Demonstrates Machine Tool Probing Suite

Verisurf Software, Inc. demonstrated its new Machine Tool Probing (MTP) suite at IMTS 2024. The solution is designed to support in-process inspection directly on CNC machine tools. As the only CAD/CAM-based metrology software on the market. Verisurf continues to build on its heritage of intelligent Model-Based Definition (MBD) with new features, enhancements, and optimized workflows for inspection, reporting, reverse engineering, tool building, and guided assembly.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2024-03-15

Open Mind Technologies Joins Georgia Tech Manufacturing 4.0 Consortium

Open Mind Technologies, a leading developer of hyperMILL CAD/CAM software solutions worldwide, announced it has joined the Georgia Tech Manufacturing 4.0 Consortium. The consortium is a membership-based organization that facilitates key collaborations between industry, academia, and government to develop and deploy advanced manufacturing technologies as well as provide workforce development. Initial members have contributed funding, technology, and skilled resources supported by the staff at the Georgia Tech AI Manufacturing Pilot Facility located in Atlanta, GA. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2024-02-15

Verisurf Announces New Sales Platform

Verisurf Software, Inc. introduces a new sales platform where customers can source new and pre-owned CMMs powered by Verisurf software. All machines are calibrated and certified and include Verisurf CMM Programming and Inspection Suite software.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-05-10

New Verisurf 2024 Featured at Control

Verisurf 2024 is the latest release of the popular measurement software for automated quality inspection, reporting, scanning, reverse engineering, tool building, and assembly guidance. The software is powerful, flexible, and easy to use for measurement applications across the manufacturing enterprise.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-08-15

Verisurf Offers Universal Measurement and Inspection at IMTS

Verisurf Software, Inc. will be demonstrating a universal approach to measurement and inspection at this year’s IMTS Show in Booth #133345. Verisurf software provides measurement and inspection workflows with inspection plans that can be created once and used across the manufacturing enterprise on any portable or fixed CMM. 

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-07-18

Guill Offers Internal Spline Tool for Aerospace Applications

Guill Tool, a growing supplier of components to the global aerospace industry, has announced the production of a new internal spline tool made of anodized carbon steel. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-06-27

Verisurf Announces Engine Builder Performance Package

Verisurf Software, Inc. announces the Verisurf Engine Builder Performance Package, a complete 3D measurement software, hardware, training, and support package for reverse engineering, designing, building, and verifying high-performance engines and components

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-04-26

Park Engineering Upgrades Equipment with LK Metrology

Park Engineering has significantly increased the size of parts it can machine and subsequently measure on a coordinate measuring machine (CMM).


What Do You Really Need to Know?

I am pretty certain I told this story before, but it is worth repeating in the context of preserving corporate memory. When AGMA first offered ISO ...

Gear Materials: More Inside Heat Treating Trivia

In our last bl...


In a capitalist society, the way things usually work is that government and academia focus on research and development, while industry focuses on commercialization. The result is an increasingly wide disconnect in the applied research sector, which deals primarily with technology development and demonstration.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2009-07-01

Crossroads and Transitions - Part II

The auction has been held. The warehouse is bare. The computers and furniture are being packed, and Cadillac Machinery, the company started by my father in 1950, and of which I was president for more than 25 years, is close to being no more.
VOICES | 2007-11-01

Letters to the Editor

Letters from readers in response to past issues...

New Views A different way to spec and shop for parts

Information is the name of the game in the 90s. We need more of it; we need it faster; and we need it in infinitely manipulatable and user-friendly form. In many cases, getting it that way is still something of a Holy Grail, somewhere off on the distant horizon. But thanks to computer technology, bit by byte, we're getting there.

How Many Mice Does It Take to Design a Gear

Gear design has long been a "black art." The gear shop's modern alchemists often have to solve problems with a combination of knowledge, experience and luck. In many cases, trial and error are the only effective way to design gears. While years of experience have produced standard gearsets that work well for most situations, today's requirements for quieter, more accurate and more durable gears often force manufacturers to look for alternative designs.

Initial Design of Gears Using an Artificial Neural Net

Many CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems have been developed and implemented to produce a superior quality design and to increase the design productivity in the gear industry. In general, it is true that a major portion of design tasks can be performed by CAD systems currently available. However, they can only address the computational aspects of gear design that typically require decision-making as well. In most industrial gear design practices, the initial design is the critical task that significantly effects the final results. However, the decisions about estimating or changing gear size parameters must be made by a gear design expert.

Compter-Aided Spur Gear Tooth Design: An Application-Driven Approach

This article discusses an application driven approach to the computer-aided sizing of spur gear teeth. The methodology is bases on the index of tooth loading and environment of application of the gear. It employs handbook knowledge and empirical information to facilitate the design process for a novice. Results show that the approach is in agreement with the textbook data. However, this technique requires less expert knowledge to arrive at the conclusion. The methodology has been successfully implemented as a gear tooth sizing module of a parallel axis gear drive expert system.

Computer Aided Design for Gear Shaper Cutters

Computer programs have been developed to completely design spur and helical gear shaper cutters starting from the specifications of the gear to be cut and the type of gear shaper to be used. The programs generate the working drawing of the cutter and, through the use of a precision plotter, generate enlarge scaled layouts of the gear as produced by the cutter and any other layouts needed for its manufacture.

Computer Aided Design (CAD) of Forging and Extrusion Dies for the Production of Gears by Forming

Material losses and long production times are two areas of conventional spur and helical gear manufacturing in which improvements can be made. Metalforming processes have been considered for manufacturing spur and helical gears, but these are costly due to the development times necessary for each new part design. Through a project funded by the U.S. Army Tank - Automotive Command, Battelle's Columbus Division has developed a technique for designing spur and helical gear forging and extrusion dies using computer aided techniques.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1984-10-01

...And from the Industry

Industry News from October/November 1984 Gear Technology.