What Do You Think
Last issue, we promised you a redesigned Gear Technology—bigger, better and delivered more often than before. Well, here it is, the first of the eight completely redesigned issues we’ll be sending you in 2007.
Aside from the cosmetic changes—the new logo, typefaces, redesigned table of contents, and so forth—we had specific goals in mind. One of them was to expand on the educational focus that has made us the industry’s publication since 1984.
We’ve always published the highest quality technical articles, and we’ll continue to do so. But we also want to provide you with insight into the business, management and non-technical aspects of gear manufacturing. That’s why we’ve expanded our feature coverage and added a new department: Voices.
Voices helps us tap into the gear industry’s knowledge base, experience and insight. In Voices, you can read the opinions of your peers and even contribute opinions yourself. Your letters to the editor will appear in Voices, as will guest editorials and a new column called Q&A.
So when I say, “What do you think?” I’m not just asking for your opinions about our redesign. In fact, I’m more interested in your participation. For example, after you read this issue’s articles about finding skilled labor, tell us if you have a different opinion or if your company has implemented different solutions. Voices is your forum to share your thoughts and insights with the gear industry community. It’s your chance to interact with and learn from your peers.
Another goal of the redesign was to provide more integration between our printed magazine and websites. For example, the Voices department will have an online component at www.geartechnology.com where every month, we’ll post questions for our Q&A column and an online poll or survey. You can go online anytime to see the results and read the opinions of others in the gear industry. Of course, every issue, we’ll print some of the most interesting results in Voices as well.