
November 20, 2023

Manufacturing Quality Standards Industry News

SDP/SI Passes Recertification AS9100 and ISO 9001 Quality Management System Audit

Stock Drive Products/Sterling Instrument (SDP/SI), a Designatronics, Inc. company, completed and passed its recertification AS9100:D and ISO 9001:2015 quality system audit. The audit, conducted by Intertek over a 5-day period, certifies SDP/SI’s quality management system conforms to AS and ISO standards.

The in-depth AS and ISO recertification audit takes place every three years and is performed by an unbiased third party. The audit team reviews and verifies policies, procedures, and documentation establishing compliance with AS and ISO requirements.

“Our policies and standard operating procedures focus on customer satisfaction and risk mitigation throughout the entire operational process,” said Sunil Srivastava, Quality Manager. “By having an outside certification group confirm that our QMS meets all requirements our customers are confident that we are taking the necessary steps needed to meet the aerospace specific needs. The information and feedback received during the audit process is used to help us improve quality and services, enhancing customer satisfaction.”

AS9100 Rev D is an aerospace standard that is built on the internationally recognized standard ISO 9001 and modified for aviation, space, and defense organizations. Both standards include requirements for implementing a Quality Management System (QMS).


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