Industry News

May 30, 2023

Machine Tools IIoT Industry 4.0 Industry News

DMG MORI USA's Chicago Innovation Days 2023

At this year's traditional Chicago Innovation Days 2023, hosted at DMG MORI USA's headquarters in Hoffman Estates from April 11–14, Machining Transformation (MX) was the omnipresent highlight, including Technology Integration, Automation solutions, Digital Transformation (DX), and Green Transformation (GX). The concept of MX elevates DMG MORI's vision to provide customers with holistic solutions. Visitors learned how combining various technologies in just one machine can increase efficiency by considering additional functions such as Turn-Mill, Grinding, Additive Manufacturing, or ULTRASONIC technologies. By adding automation and digital solutions from DMG MORI, Green Transformation is an inevitable result of such improvements, allowing more sustainable production and thus maximizing customers' profits. 

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DMG MORI USA is celebrating its 40th Anniversary in 2023 


As a worldwide leader in cutting-edge technology, DMG MORI USA  showed over 25 of the most advanced machines in the 21,000 sq ft / 2,000 sqm showroom live on display. After the sensational success of the last event in September 2022, DMG MORI USA again hosted more than 1,000 visitors at the Solutions Center over the four days of the event. 

Customers could experience 5-axis Excellence, Turning, Grinding, Horizontal Boring, and Additive Manufacturing technologies. In addition, visitors connected with several DMQP (DMG MORI Qualified Products) partners of DMG MORI USA,  displaying peripherals and accessories at this event.

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As a total solution provider, DMG MORI USA takes pride in assisting customers at every stage of the manufacturing process. 

DMG MORI's Automation Solutions had a strong presence at this event with expert presentations and live hands-on demonstrations, offering standard and custom automation solutions for any use case designed for customers to achieve unmanned production. The pallet handling PH Cell 300 premiered for the first time in the U.S., automating the DMU 50 3rd Generation. The highly-precise horizontal machining center NHX with MATRIS Robot Cell was another highlight, shown in the Hoffman Estates Solutions Center for the first time. Several automation technologies were also paired with Digital Solutions to shed more importance on the concept of Machining Transformation.

Visitors in the solutions center of DMG MORI USA’s headquarters in
 Hoffman Estates, IL visiting the traditional Chicago Innovation Days 2023.



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Machining Transformation (MX), a topic at the forefront of Chicago Innovation Days, consists of major transformation of the machining world through Technology Integration, Automation Solutions, Digital Transformation (DX), and Green Transformation (GX).

DMG MORI USA had the honor of having Illinois Representatives of Congress Sean Casten, Bill Foster, and Raja Krishnamoorthi visit the Chicago Solutions Center during the event, meeting with Dr. Masahiko Mori, James V. Nudo, and Mark Mohr, and discussing some of DMG MORI's latest innovations in the manufacturing industry and touring the Hoffman Estates showroom. The Chicago Metropolitan area and the state of Illinois are quickly becoming a hub of Manufacturing and technology, and DMG MORI is proud to be a part of this movement.



A group of men in suits

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Left to right:
 Mark Mohr – President of DMG MORI Federal Services;
 Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi - Illinois Congressman;
 Dr. Masahiko Mori -  President of DMG MORI Co. Ltd;
  Rep. Bill Foster - Illinois Congressman;
 Rep. Sean Casten - Illinois Congressman;
 James V. Nudo - Director & Executive Vice President of DMG MORI Co. Ltd.


DMG MORI USA also hosted members of Illinois Institute of Technology, who with DMG MORI Federal Services is developing a national center for advanced manufacturing in Chicago. They discussed shared goals of providing the workforce training to prepare the millions of new workers needed to help revive American semiconductor and advanced manufacturing sectors as well as cultivating applied research and development in critical industrial sectors.


Left to right:

Raj Echambadi - Illinois Tech President;

Dr. Masahiko Mori -  President of DMG MORI Co. Ltd;

Ken Christensen - Illinois Tech Provost;

Will Maurer - Illinois Tech Professor;

Kevin Cassel - Illinois Tech Dean of Engineering

Traditionally, the event's last day was dedicated to the DMG MORI Academy and Education. DMG MORI USA hosted students from various high schools and universities, educating future talent through the DMG MORI USA Academy and NIMS (National Institute for Metalworking Skills), represented by Montez King.

In 2023, DMG MORI USA celebrates its 40th Anniversary with the numerous technological and system advancements during this period. 

With experts present from a diverse array of industries, customers were able to discuss holistic technology solutions and financing options, in addition to observing the in-depth manufacturing demonstrations.

