International Conference on Gear Production 2023
Garching, Germany
As an accompanying event to the International Conference on Gears 2023, the 5th International Conference on Gear Production is one of the most important biannual meeting points for the gear manufacturing industry both for technical experts and for decision-makers. Current challenges and solutions are presented and discussed, strongly emphasizing new potentials in productivity and/or the flexibility of gear manufacturing processes. High-level expertise will be ensured by our conference presidents: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Brecher and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bergs MBA, WZL, RWTH Aachen as well as Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl, FZG, Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Garching. They will take you through the conference program and moderate the sessions in 2023. Do not miss an event outlining new trends for the gear producing industry of tomorrow.
The requirements in gear manufacturing are increasing dramatically which delivers a dilemma between productivity (scale) and flexibility (scope) of today’s technical solutions. On the one hand lead times need to be shortened in order to increase productivity. On the other hand, batch sizes are getting smaller and individual geometric features such as e.g., topological modifications push the need for intelligent support by manufacturing simulation and closed-loop approaches. The digitalization of the gear manufacturing processes promises high potential but also raises some challenges. In addition, new technologies evolve, that challenge the conventional manufacturing chain for gears.