GF Machining Solutions Expands Customer Digital Assistance with New My rConnect Platform
To ensure all customers and their machines benefit from digital assistance, GF Machining Solutions (GFMS) has launched their new My rConnect platform engineered for the company’s EDM, milling, and laser texturing machines. The all-encompassing platform allows shops to connect any model of GFMS machine for fast, responsive, and easily accessible service and support while also providing expanded digital capabilities.
Prior to My rConnect, shops were required to have a connection between a machine and the rConnect software. Additionally, a separate dedicated PC—other than the machine’s—was needed to run the software and to access the Internet to connect with GFMS technicians.
Now, My rConnect is completely cloud-based, so as long as a computer is connected to the same network as their current GFMS machine, that machine is connected to My rConnect. However, GFMS machines that don’t have network access and are connected to the Internet can also use My rConnect.
With My rConnect, machines are connected without having them connected, per se. As such, shops gain the ability to contact GFMS for service calls for machines that previously weren’t connected by the older PC version of rConnect software. With this capability, they can update a machine’s profile with any service information, record repair issues, obtain updated machine documentation, and much more.
A key benefit of bypassing the need for a direct connection is security. My rConnect is password protected and includes an extended level of protection where the system verifies user identity via text message or email code.
The GFMS My rConnect provides a virtual link between a machine and the company’s service and support team, often eliminating the need for a technician to travel to a customer’s shop. When problems occur with those machines that are networkable, shops create an event for that issue, and a service engineer will log in and ask for permission to access and view the machine via the live Remote Assist function to diagnose problems at the machine level.