January/February 2022


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By the Numbers

It’s 2022! AGMA’s 106th year. Numbers are interesting things; here are a few pertinent ones for AGMA.

Technical Articles

Effect of the ISO 6336-3:2019 Standard Update on the Specified Load Carrying Capacity Against Tooth Root Breakage of Involute Gears

A calculation-based study of different variants with regard to contact ratio and tooth root geometry to compare the results from the 2019 version of ISO 6336 to the previous version, released in 2006.

Feature Articles

A World of Smart Processing & Digital Advancements

It’s that time of year again! Pandemic fears, supply chain issues, economic growth sprinkled in with some economic uncertainty. Every year, we take an in-depth look at the State of the Gear Industry and every year provides an interesting and colorful array of challenges, surprises and new innovations. Gear Technology spoke with Prasad Kizhakel, Chief Sales Officer at the Klingelnberg Group, Udo Stolz, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Gleason Corporation, and Shane Hollingsworth, Vice President Sales at Kapp Technologies to assess what the next five years in gear manufacturing may look like from the machine tool providers

2022 State of the Gear Industry

Gear Technology’s annual State-of-the-Gear-Industry survey polls gear manufacturers about the latest trends and opinions relating to the overall health of the gear industry. As in years past, the survey was conducted anonymously, with invitations sent by e-mail to gear industry companies — primarily in North America, but also including some respondents from around the world. Nearly 200 individuals responded to the survey.


Product News

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February 2022 issue of Gear Technology, with new technology from Marposs, Solar Atmospheres, Mahr, Kennametal, Kapp Niles, Southern Gear, SMW Autoblok, WFL Millturn, Doosan Robotics and LK Metrology.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the January/February 2022 issue of Gear Technology.



The complete technical calendar from the January/February 2022 issue of Gear Technology.