July 2016


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Life in High Gear

Most books related to the gear industry are more about the business side or the technical aspects of what we do.

Technical Articles

Improved Broaching Steel Technology

Broaching is a machining technique commonly used to cut gear teeth or cam profiles for the high volume manufacture of power transmission parts used in vehicles (Refs. 1–2). This article shows how the right gear blank material can make all the difference if you want to get more parts out of each tool.

Influence of Hobbing Tool Generating Scallops on Root Fillet Stress Concentrations

While designing gear and spline teeth, the root fillet area and the corresponding maximum tensile stress are primary design considerations for the gear designer. Root fillet tensile stress may be calculated using macro-geometry values such as module, minor diameter, effective fillet radius, face width, etc.

Hybrid Hertzian and FE-Based Helical Gear-Loaded Tooth Contact Analysis and Comparison with FE

Gear-loaded tooth contact analysis is an important tool for the design and analysis of gear performance within transmission and driveline systems. Methods for the calculation of tooth contact conditions have been discussed in the literature for many years. It's possible the method you've been using is underestimating transmission error in helical gears. Here's why.

Feature Articles

The Wait is Over for Lab-Level Shop Floor Inspection

Schafer Gear Works greatly reduces gear inspection queue time and adds precious capacity by installing Gleason's new "shop-hardened" 300GMS P gear inspection system.

Checking Up on Your Heat Treater

What quality and performance characteristics should you look for?

IMTS: Welcome to the Main Event

It's hard to think of a show more essential to attend than IMTS. It's the cornerstone event for the industry, the center of the universe for a week, the one show to rule them all.


Mobilizing Microgears

We've been in the business of making things small and portable for a long time. But when it comes to shrinking things down, a team of scientists from Germany, Italy and Spain led by Roberto Di Leonardo decided to go big.

Product News

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