Once the path of contact is derived within a meshing simulation,
the load distribution across the contact lines can be computed
for a certain number of engagement positions by using
contact influence figures (Ref. 5). If the tooth profile has profile
corrections or wear, the contact normal forces are not rectified
and parallel anymore. This has got to be taken into consideration
while formulating the load conservation equation. For a
certain amount m of teeth in contact, discretized with a specified
number of contact-points n, the discrete load conservation
equation arises to Equation 1:
By knowing the parameterized tooth profile, the effective
radius rw arises to Equation 2:
Because of the fact, that the contact area as well as the load
distribution across the contact line and therewith the local
Hertzian deformation is unknown, the contact problem has to
be solved within an iterative process.
Resulting from the parameterized profile, the local radius of
curvature arises to Equation 3, taking profile corrections and
wear into consideration. Based on the local radius of curvature:
the load distribution resulting from Equation 1 across the
path of contact and material constants, the local Hertz contact
pressure results from Equation 4:
Wear on tooth flanks occurs as a result of high sliding speeds,
high contact pressure and low oil film thicknesses. Assuming
unlimited oil supply and neglecting thermal influences, the local
oil film thickness can be computed using Equation 6 with regard
to Dowson (Ref. 6), where G is a material coefficient; U a velocity
coefficient; W a load coefficient; and ρ the replacement radius
of curvature obtained by Equation 5:
On the basis of accurate local contact pressures, sliding
speeds, specific sliding, local oil film thickness and material
hardness, an empirical equation for wear on tooth flanks — such
as Equation 7 — can be formulated in accordance with Archard
and Holm (Refs. 6, 7, 18):
Herewith the factor kS considers the chemical
characteristics of the lubricant and the factor
kW includes the material properties of the
gears. Solving the differential Equation 7 for
a specific amount of load cycles dN leads to a
certain amount of wear that is transferred onto
the tooth profile. Carrying out a new meshing
simulation with the newly worn out teeth leads
to a changing path of contact in terms of the
path of contact of unworn teeth and therewith
to an altering load distribution throughout the
wear simulation. Thus it is possible to simulate
the micropitting test with reference to FVA 54
(Ref. 9). The factor kS depends on oil type and
chemical additive. For each type of lubricant
this factor must be governed by an experimental
test; it therefore may be used the FZG gear
test rig, according to DIN 51354-1.
Comparison to Test Results:
Subject of the investigation is the influence
of the magnitude of tip reliefs on the profile
deviation during the micropitting step test in
terms of the FVA 54 (Ref. 9) test procedure at
an average roughness of Ra = 0.5 μm.
Therefore, load steps five to ten are simulated
and the computed profile deviation is compared
to the profile deviation obtained with
the test bench (Ref. 3); gear data used within
the experimental tests and the simulation is
listed in Table 1.
Taking load into consideration, the effective
contact ratio can be computed by solving
Equation 1 for a certain number of engagement
positions. Figure 3 shows the true contact
ratio εaw for the investigated tip reliefs for
the load steps LS5 to LS10 without wear. A
higher amount of tip relief results in a lower
effective contact ratio within all six load steps.
Figure 3 Contact ratio — different profile relief — without wear.
- Click image to enlarge
Figure 4 Contact ratio at different profile reliefs — including wear.
- Click image to enlarge
With increasing load, the effective contact
ratio increases.
Within the simulation process, wear is computed
for a specific amount of load cycles dN
using Equation 7 and transferred onto the
tooth profile. This leads to an altering circumferential
backlash throughout time. In Figure
4 the effective contact ratio εaw is shown after
2.1·106 load cycles for each load step.
For a tip relief of ca = 50 μm, the effective
contact ratio increases with the load step
till load step LS9. Within load step LS10 the
growth of wear due to contact pressure and
sliding speeds in the area of first contact causes
a decrease in the effective contact ratio. For
a tip relief of ca = 100 μm and ca = 170 μm the
effective contact ratio increases with load, but
basically the effective contact ratio is less compared
to the simulation without wear.
Figure 5 Contact pressure, min. oil film thickness, profile deviation for tip relief ca = 50 μm:
a) before LS5; b) after LS10; c) comparison to test results (Ref. 3).
- Click image to enlarge
Figure 5 a) left shows the simulated profile
deviation of the pinion before start of load
step LS5 with a tip relief of ca = 50 μm. On the
right, the course of the contact pressure and oil
film thickness vs. path-of-contact coordinate
is depicted. In the area of first and last contact
the contact pressure declines to zero. At the
engagement points B and D the linear tip relief
converges into the involute spline — which
results into a small local radius of curvature
and therefore an increase in the local pressure
and a decrease in the local oil film thickness.
Figure 5 b) left shows the simulated profile
deviation of the pinion after finishing
LS10 with 12.6·106 load cycles. In the area of
first contact with the highest amount of sliding
speeds, the oil film thickness collapses
because of aggravating contact conditions due
to the occurring wear. Within this area cratering
wear occurs on the pinion. A comparison
of the simulated wear with the test results
in Figure 5 c) shows a very good correlation
between the simulation and the experimental
Figure 6 Contact pressure, min. oil film thickness, profile deviation for tip relief ca = 100 μm:
a) before LS5; b) after LS10; c) comparison to test results (Ref. 3).
- Click image to enlarge
Figure 6 a) left shows the simulated profile
deviation of the pinion before start of load step
LS5 with a tip relief of ca = 100 μm. Comparing
Figure 6 a) right to Figure 5 a) right, it can be
stated that the effective contact ratio decreases
with an increase in the amount of tip relief.
The small radius of curvature at the engagement
points B and D, where the linear tip
relief converges into the involute spline, causes
peaks within the course of the local contact
pressure, and a collapse in the local oil film
Figure 6 b) left shows the simulated profile
deviation of the pinion after finishing load step
LS10. Due to the higher amount of tip relief the magnitude of wear in the area of first contact is less compared
to Figure 5 b) left, but cratering wear still occurs.
A comparison of the simulated wear with the test results in
Figure 6 c) shows a very good correlation between the simulation
and the experimental results.
Figure 7 Contact pressure, min. oil film thickness, profile deviation for tip relief ca = 170 μm:
a) before LS5; b) after LS10; c) comparison to test results (Ref. 3).
- Click image to enlarge
Figure 7 a) left shows the simulated profile deviation of the
pinion before start of LS5 with a tip relief of ca = 170 μm.
Again, the small radius of curvature at the engagement points
B and D causes peaks within the course of the local contact pressure
and a collapse in the local oil film thickness.
Due to the applied tip relief of ca = 170 μm, the point of first
contact occurs subsequently and the effective contact ratio
declines in comparison to variants with less tip relief. After finishing
load step LS10, the maximum local contact pressure and
the minimum oil film thickness occur at the engagement point
B. Therefore the location of maximum wear shifts from the
point of first contact to the engagement point B.
A comparison of the simulated wear with the test results in
Figure 7 c) shows a very good correlation between the simulation
and the experimental results.
With an optimal profile modification pressure peaks could be
avoided. An optimal profile modification consists of a smooth
transition without sharp edges between involute profile and profile
modifications and an additional tooth tip radius for smooth
first contact. Figure 8 shows an optimal profile modification.
Figure 8 Optimal profile modification.
- Click image to enlarge
Crack Criterion
Micropitting or grey staining is a fatigue failure on tooth flanks,
which is mainly influenced by local contact pressures, sliding
speeds and lubrication conditions. It starts with micro-cracks on
the surface of the flanks. Herewith, micropitting acts like a profile
deviation on flanks in the area of negative specific sliding.
Within this area, the tooth tip radius of the driven gear gets into
contact with the dedendum of the driving gear.
Based on the fatigue phenomenon, the fatigue processes in
the tooth flank contact can be described in detail. Two stages are
distinguished here: Stage 1, the crack initiation, and Stage 2, the
crack growth. Cracks occur where specific crack criteria are satisfied.
Because of periodic stress in the tooth contact, the cracks
can grow in their crack tips.
Cracks occur because of the stress superposition from the
Hertzian contact stresses and near-surface shear stresses. The
near-surface shear stresses result from the sliding speed on the
tooth flanks and the friction coefficient between the contact
bodies. Boundary and hydrodynamic friction are separated
Containing the local flank pressures, the local rolling and sliding
speeds, the local film thicknesses and further parameters
from the meshing simulation, an empirical criterion for the initial
cracking is presented for the contact of two tooth flanks. It
is based on the Ruiz-Chen criterion (Ref. 4). It states that if two
bodies are under dynamic load in contact, the product of the
sliding path and shear stress is responsible for the first crack;
this product can be regarded as friction energy. But the tangential
tensile stress in the direction of the slip is also important
for the crack beginning and for the crack characteristics. This
is transferred to a gear and for the description of the tribological
system the factor is upgraded with the
relative lubricant film thickness. Equation 8
shows a first approach for such a crack criterion:
The crack criterion implies that in the case
of two contacting tooth flanks under load, the
product of an equivalent stress σα
vG, sliding
path Sβ
g and the relative film thickness λ in the
area of negative specific sliding, are responsible
for the crack initiation. Thus an equivalent
stress needs to be defined; for example,
by means of the stresses of the Hertzian contact
and the near-surface tangential stresses.
The equivalent stress must have a maximum in an angle, which is
determined by experimental results of micropitting.
The sliding path between two contacting tooth flanks is given
by Equation 9 from the product of the sliding speed vg and the
time Δt. The sliding path is limited by the Hertzian contact
width 2bH. During the time Δt the flank area 2bH is in contact
with the opposite flank by the rolling speed vt.
The relative lubricant film thickness λ is the ratio of the minimum
lubricant film thickness and the surface roughness of the
tooth flanks. Reference 3 shows that the reduction of the relative
film thickness, increased by growing roughness, leads to micropitting.
Therefore the Ruiz-Chen criterion is extended by this factor.
Figure 9 Sliding path over the flank area of the driven
gear mn = 22 mm..
- Click image to enlarge
Figure 10 Relative oil film thickness versus the flank
area of the driven gear mn = 22 mm
- Click image to enlarge
Micropitting preferentially occurs in the area of negative specific
sliding, where the material is drifted due to the opposite
direction of rolling and sliding speed. In this flank area the risk
of cracks is significantly higher. This characteristic is included in
Equation 8, with the factor .
By means of such an empirical crack criterion, Equation 8,
which is taking into account the stress conditions, the sliding
speeds of the surface, and the lubrication condition, the critical
surface areas regarding micropitting can be detected (Fig. 10).
The exponents α, β and γ of Equation 8 must be determined
with experimental results. Furthermore, a critical value Rcrit
must be defined, which indicates an increased risk of micropitting
if the critical value is exceeded. The crack criterion is
normalized to Rcrit = 1. The criterion was validated by using the
results of experimental results of Reference 3, (Fig. 10). The
crack criterion agreed very well with the experimental results.
Figure 11 Crack criterion indicating the flank region
with higher risk of cracking.
- Click image to enlarge
The presented algorithm combines a meshing simulation based
on the tooth profile, taking corrections and wear into consideration,
with a load algorithm including shaft and bearing deformation.
It therefore follows that an accurate detection of the
point of first and last contact is possible.
Based on the precise computation of the contact pressure, sliding
speeds, and oil film thicknesses, a wear simulation for load
and rotation spectra is presented. A comparison of the simulation
with test results demonstrates a good accordance and confirms
the approach. Therefore, an optimal profile modification with a
quadratic or cubical tip relief and a tooth tip radius can calculate
against micropitting or pitting. Furthermore, a crack criterion to
determine the locations of micropitting is presented.
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About Author's
Christoph Lohmann studied mechanical engineering
at the University of Applied Sciences of the Lower
Rhine in Krefeld and at the Ruhr University Bochum,
graduating as a cooperative engineer-in-training at
Bayer AG. He concluded his studies in 2012 with his
master’s thesis — “Simulation of System Dynamics of
Heavy Drivetrains with Multi-Body Simulation”— at
SEW-Eurodrive GmbH & Co KG in Bruchsal. In 2012 he
started as a research assistant at the Chair of Industrial and Automotive
Drivetrains of Prof. P. Tenberge. Lohmann’s fields of research are tooth
contact analysis, tooth profile modifications, fatigue failure and tribological
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Johannes Tenberge since
2012 is Chair of industrial and automotive drivetrains at
Ruhr-University Bochum. He has previously served (1994-
2012) as professor for machine elements at Chemnitz
University; (1992-1994) general manager for development
and sales of INA Motorenelemente Schaeffler KG;
(1989-1992) head of R&D of INA Wälzlager Schaeffler KG;
and (1986-1989) as a project engineer at Zahnradfabrik
Friedrichshafen AG. Tenberge has, in his career thus far,
proposed for automotive applications several transmission concepts for AT,
DCT, CVT and Hybrids, and in 2012 was awarded the SAE/Timken Howard
Simpson Automotive Transmission and Driveline Innovation Award. He also
keeps busy working on various industrial applications in which he works on
design, development and simulation tools for a more precise and quicker
layout of transfer gears, worms gear, bevel gears and planetary gears.
Tenberge is also the holder or co-holder of more than 200 national and
international patent applications.
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Walkowiak has since 2013
worked as a calculation and development engineer at
SEW-Eurodrive GmbH & Co KG in Bruchsal. Upon receipt
of his engineering degree he began his career at the
chair of Machine Elements, Gears and Motor Vehicles
of Prof. W. Predki at the Ruhr University Bochum as a
research assistant. He completed his PhD successfully
in 2013 with the doctoral thesis, “Local Loads and Wear
Simulation of Tooth Meshing on Spur and Helical Gears
with Profile Modifications Between the Beginning and the Ending of the
Deflection,” at the chair of Industrial and Automotive Drivetrains of Prof. P.