This report investigates the wear morphology on the large end of tapered rollers and the inner ring's large end rib on a planet carrier TRB from a multi-megawatt wind turbine gearbox. The literature on abrasive wear has many classifications, including 2-body abrasion, 3-body abrasion, scratches, grooving abrasion, rolling abrasion, cutting abrasion, and plowing abrasion. For this analysis, we have selected grooving abrasion, a common problem in wind turbine gearboxes and a prominent failure mode on many bearings, particularly planetary carrier bearings and planet bearings. Grooving abrasion is frequently observed on cylindrical roller bearings (CRB) and tapered roller bearings (TRB). Fitzsimmons and Clevenger conducted tests on roller end/rib wear for TRBs with contaminated gear oil, and they provided an excellent explanation of the mechanism.
This month's issue of Gear Technology covers a subject engineers love to learn about from others but hate to learn about through firsthand experience: gear failure. In a broad sense, all engineering is concerned with failure. Eventually, all parts fail, so engineers need to determine the limits of their design and ensure that it will meet the requirements of the particular application.
Exact Metrology recently exhibited at the Coordinate Metrology Society Conference (CMSC) with their sister division, OASIS Alignment Services: A Division of In-Place Machining Company.
The Oregon Manufacturing Innovation Center Research and Development (OMIC R&D) recently welcomed Capture 3D, a Zeiss company, as a member of the collaboration, now at 41 members. Headquartered in Santa Ana, California, Capture 3D is a leader in innovative optical 3D metrology solutions, including accurate blue light 3D scanners, precision photogrammetry systems, comprehensive inspection software, and high-tech automated inspection systems.
The objective of this paper is to improve the methodology for determining the tooth flank temperature. Two methods are proposed for assessing scuffing risk when applying AGMA 925 for high-speed gears. Both methods provide similar results.