
November 25, 2019

Heat Treating Press Quenching Quenching Product News Industry News

Seco/Warwick Introduces a Modern Alternative to Press Quenching

The new UCM 4D Quench vacuum system introduced by Seco/Vacuum Technologies, a Seco/Warwick Group company, will replace traditional press quenching. The new furnace enables customers to achieve the same results or better as oil press quenching but with gas cooling after vacuum heating in a continuous, single-piece flow vacuum heat treatment system. 4D Quench is a cost-effective alternative for quenching and distortion control that cools as rapidly but without the issues associated with oil.

“Seco/Warwick’s 4D Quench furnace is dedicated to those who want to avoid or eliminate press quenching and significantly increase quality and process integration of gears and other transmission components,” said Maciej Korecki, VP, business segment vacuum heat treatment furnaces. “The 4D Quench system utilizes a proprietary arrangement of cooling nozzles that surround the part and delivers a uniform flow of cooling gas from all sides; top, bottom, and sides -- for “3D” cooling. To complete the process, a table spins the part (the 4th Dimension), further enhancing quench uniformity.”

The 4D Quench system solves the following process and product problems:
•Parts are quenched and cooled without the possibility of oxidation and without dirty oils
•Seco/Warwick’s single-piece flow furnace with 4D Quench moves parts automatically and eliminates labor and product variations due to manual handling of parts
•The 4D process is perfect for through hardening and for hardening previously carburized parts with extremely low distortion
•The 4D Quench eliminates washing, chemicals, waste disposal, oil vapors and all the mess associated with quench oils; it also improves worker safety

How it Works
The entire nitrogen cooling system provides powerful and uniform quenching which results in perfect repeatability and significant reduction of distortion and finally its control. Neither oil nor helium is required.
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