
Press Quenching


Take Control of Quenching

Press quenching is a tried-and-true process for the controlled hardening of flat, circular close tolerance parts. The process ensures good dimensional control and uniform hardening, thus allowing for seamless processing post heat treatment.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-03-03

UniCase Master with 4D Quench

Many techniques have been developed over the years to control heat treatment distortion, including the use of different quenching medias, optimization of heat treatment cycles, altering the material chemical composition and even press quenching. Now, learn about Quenching in the 4th Dimension!

SECO/VACUUM's white paper discusses the new 4D Quenching technology, a safe and simple hands-off heat treatment process, minus the challenges of press quenching.


Trust the Future

"How sir, would you make a ship sail against the wind and currents by lighting a bonfire under her deck? I pray you, excuse me; I have not the time to listen to such nonsense."
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-11-25

Seco/Warwick Introduces a Modern Alternative to Press Quenching

The new UCM 4D Quench vacuum system introduced by Seco/Vacuum Technologies, a Seco/Warwick Group company, will replace traditional press ...

Press Quenching and Effects of Prior Thermal History on Distortion during Heat Treatment

Precision components (industrial bearing races and automotive gears) can distort during heat treatment due to effects of free or unconstrained oil quenching. However, press quenching can be used to minimize these effects. This quenching method achieves the relatively stringent geometrical requirements stipulated by industrial manufacturing specifications. As performed on a wide variety of steel alloys, this specialized quenching technique is presented here, along with a case study showing the effects of prior thermal history on the distortion that is generated during press quenching.