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| 2025-02-10

Automated Allcase® Atmosphere BIQ Heat Treat Lines by Surface Combustion

Automation in heat treating yields more consistent results with greater utilization. Surface Combustion has automated heat treat lines for batch processing.  The automated production cell using the Allcase® atmosphere batch integral quench furnace is a great option for automating the harden, quench and temper processes.  

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2024-03-01

Solar Atmospheres Eastern PA Commissions 20-Bar High Pressure Gas Quench Furnace

Solar Atmospheres in Souderton, PA, recently commissioned a new vacuum furnace capable of utilizing high-pressure gas quenching at 20-Bar (about 300 PSI) to meet demanding cooling rate specifications for the heat treatment of nickel-based superalloys. 

PRODUCT NEWS | 2023-06-02

VBN Components' New Machine Shortens Delivery Times and Improves Material Properties

VBN Components AB in Sweden manufactures extremely wear-resistant materials and is known for "the world's hardest steel," Vibenite 290, and "the world's first 3D-printed cemented carbide," Vibenite® 480. VBN's new heat treatment machine, a so-called URQ-HIP (Uniform Rapid Quenching-Hot Isostatic Pressing), was recently inaugurated at the company. 


What’s Happening in Heat Treating?

Quality control, EV components, energy consumption and material influences are just a handful of topics being discussed in heat treating today. New heat treat methods and global trends will be the topic of conversation later this year at Heat Treat 2023. Here’s a round-up of some stories circulating across key market segments.


Take Control of Quenching

Press quenching is a tried-and-true process for the controlled hardening of flat, circular close tolerance parts. The process ensures good dimensional control and uniform hardening, thus allowing for seamless processing post heat treatment.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-02-15

Solar Atmospheres Obtains Boeing Approval for Vacuum Oil Quenching

Solar Atmospheres of Western Pennsylvania is pleased to announce the approval of a critical Boeing specification for the oil quenching of alloy steels in accordance with Boeing’s specification BAC 5617.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-01-30

Solar Atmospheres Successfully Hardens Massive H13 Extrusion Dies

Solar Atmospheres of Western PA successfully vacuum heat treated two massive H13 extrusion dies at their Hermitage PA facility. Their newest high performing Solar Manufacturing 10-Bar 600 Horsepower high pressure gas quench vacuum furnace was able to fully harden two huge H13 extrusion dies in successive cycles. 

EVENT | 2022-07-20

Furnaces North America 2022

The heat treat industry comes together at FNA to deliver the latest technology on maintenance, equipment, energy, compliance, quenching, productivity, metallurgy, cleaning and more. Top suppliers will be on-hand in the exhibition hall to answer questions and discuss the future of heat treating. 

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-06-01

Solar Puts VOQ Furnace into Full Production

A newly designed Vacuum Oil Quench (VOQ) furnace, purchased by Solar Atmospheres of Western PA, recently entered into full production after passing a vigorous start up protocol. 


Trust the Future

"How sir, would you make a ship sail against the wind and currents by lighting a bonfire under her deck? I pray you, excuse me; I have not the time to listen to such nonsense."
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-08-05

Solar Atmospheres Adopts Vacuum Oil Quenching Technology in 2020

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted every industry and business across the globe. Solar Atmospheres of Western PA (SAW...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-11-25

Seco/Warwick Introduces a Modern Alternative to Press Quenching

The new UCM 4D Quench vacuum system introduced by Seco/Vacuum Technologies, a Seco/Warwick Group company, will replace traditional press ...

Appreciating the Gory Details

Big equipment often requires special processing equipment. Those 300-ton locomotives used unique heat treatment on the gears which required the des...

Industrial Strength Good Deeds Part 1

The end-of-year hol...

Reworking Questions

The most important consideration in deciding whether to rework or scrap and re-make a nonconforming part is functionality. Can the part be made to ...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-03-08

Seco/Warwick 15 Bar Vacuum Furnaces Provide Superior Gas Quenching Capabilities

Voestalpine High Performance Metals (formerly Böhler-Uddeholm AG), already using Seco/Warwick equipment, is now expanding its proces...

Heat Treating 4.0

Suppliers are working hard to make sure their heat treating equipment is controllable, repeatable and efficient, and manufacturers continue to incorporate technology that gives heat treaters and their customers more information about what's going on inside the magic box.

More Adventures in Modifying Machines

[starbox] In my last posting I wrote about some of the projects I have been involved with to squeeze a bigger part in an existing machine. Most ...

Press Quenching and Effects of Prior Thermal History on Distortion during Heat Treatment

Precision components (industrial bearing races and automotive gears) can distort during heat treatment due to effects of free or unconstrained oil quenching. However, press quenching can be used to minimize these effects. This quenching method achieves the relatively stringent geometrical requirements stipulated by industrial manufacturing specifications. As performed on a wide variety of steel alloys, this specialized quenching technique is presented here, along with a case study showing the effects of prior thermal history on the distortion that is generated during press quenching.

Controlling Gear Distortion and Residual Stresses During Induction Hardening

Induction hardening is widely used in both the automotive and aerospace gear industries to minimize heat treat distortion and obtain favorable compressive residual stresses for improved fatigue performance. The heating process during induction hardening has a significant effect on the quality of the heat-treated parts. However, the quenching process often receives less attention even though it is equally important.
VOICES | 2011-11-01

Vacuum Oil Quenching

The October 2011 issue of Gear Technology featured the article “Low-Distortion Heat Treatment of Transmission Components,” which covered the combination of low-pressure carburizing and high pressure gas quenching in an automotive environment. Here, heat treating expert Dan Herring explains why oil quenching is an appropriate choice for many applications.

Low-Distortion Heat Treatment of Transmission Components

This paper presents how low pressure carburizing and high pressure gas quenching processes are successfully applied on internal ring gears for a six-speed automatic transmission. The specific challenge in the heat treat process was to reduce distortion in such a way that subsequent machining operations are entirely eliminated.

New Vacuum Processes

This paper introduces new process developments in low-pressure carburizing and carbonitriding using either high-pressure gas quenching or interrupted gas quenching.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2006-04-22

Cloyes Gear Acquired by KPS Funds

KPS Special Situations Funds announced their acquisition of Cloyes Gear and Products. Financial terms of the agreement were not disclo...

Advances in Quenching - A Discussion of Present and Future Technologies

Heat treating and quenching are arguably the most critical operations in the manufacture of gears. This article examines causes of distortion in heat treating and quenching.

Low Pressure Carburizing with High Pressure Gas Quenching

High demands for cost-effectiveness and improved product quality can be achieved via a new low pressure carburizing process with high pressure gas quenching. Up to 50% of the heat treatment time can be saved. Furthermore, the distortion of the gear parts could be reduced because of gas quenching, and grinding costs could be saved. This article gives an overview of the principles of the process technology and the required furnace technology. Also, some examples of practical applications are presented.

Coordinate Measuring Machines and the Gear Industry

Gears are extremely complex shapes. Coordinate measuring machines, or CMMs, are designed to measure complex shapes. It seems to follow that CMMs world, therefore, be the ideal tool for measuring gears. But the answer is not so simple.

The Fundamentals of Gear Press Quenching

Most steel gear applications require appreciable loads to be applied that will result in high bending and compressive stresses. For the material (steel) to meet these performance criteria, the gear must be heat treated. Associated with this thermal processing is distortion. To control the distortion and achieve repeatable dimensional tolerances, the gear will be constrained during the quenching cycle of the heat treatment process. This type of fixture quenching is the function of gear quench pressing equipment.