
June 1, 2007

Michael Goldstein

Publisher's Page

What - A June Issue

Like most of the gear industry, we’re extremely busy here at Gear Technology.

While many of you are working hard to produce more gears, we’re doing the same with magazines. While you’re adding shifts and hiring employees (or trying to, anyway), we’re cranking out extra issues of Gear Technology.

What do I mean, extra issues?

Those of you who have been reading Gear Technology for the last 23 years know that we’ve always published on a bi-monthly schedule. Until now.

This year, we decided to publish the magazine eight times instead of six. The first “extra” issue is the one in your hands (June), and there will be another one coming up right before Gear Expo (August). These extra issues allow us the opportunity to include even more important gear-related information than ever before.

Expanding the number of issues has allowed us to bring you features like Voices, a column where smart people from the gear industry share their experiences and expertise. It’s also where you—the readers—have the opportunity to respond to what you’ve read in previous issues. Expanding the amount of space we have available also allows us to take on feature subjects like last issue’s profile of the work done at the Glenn Research Center and this issue’s coverage of lean manufacturing.

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This article appeared in the June 2007 issue.

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Because of the extra issues, we’re able to add this content without skimping on anything else. We’re still bringing you the best, most relevant and most useful technical and educational articles on gear manufacturing. We’re still bringing you the most complete product news, industry news and events coverage in the industry. And we wouldn’t think of eliminating the Addendum column (come on—admit it—I know you read it).

Like many of you who have increased production over the past year, we’re concerned about maintaining the level of quality our customers have come to expect. Gears made on the third shift have to be just as good as the ones made on the first shift. You can rest assured that we’re not skimping on anything here. This issue of Gear Technology has been prepared the same way as every other one has been. The technical articles have been subjected to the same level of thorough editorial and technical review to ensure their accuracy and relevance, and the feature articles have been researched to the best of our ability.

I’m confident that you’ll be pleased with the results. In fact, I would guess that most of you wouldn’t have noticed anything different about this issue if I hadn’t called your attention to it.

And that’s the way it should be. Hopefully, your customers feel the same way about the gears you make on the third shift.

Michael Goldstein,
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

P.S. In addition to the extra effort we’ve put forth in producing two more issues of Gear Technology, we’ve also introduced our new magazine, Power Transmission Engineering. If you want to know more about bearings, motors, clutches, couplings, linear motion and other PT products, sign up for a free subscription at www.powertransmission.com.