The inaugural issue of Gear Technology marked a significant change in the industry. I was 13 years into my career, working at my third company and in my fifth year on AGMA’s Helical Gear Rating Committee. Back then, few engineers moved around; you started at a gear company, were indoctrinated in their way of doing things, and hoped to advance by making very incremental changes to the “old family recipe.”
There has been renewed discussion of the “Buy American” mandates recently. AGMA has a long history on this topic and succe...
An online forum I occasionally visit recently posted a photo of a vintage drafting board and joked about younger people no...
One of the pleasures of being Gear Technology’s official blogger is receiving the occasional phone call or e-mail...
If you receive the AGMA e-mails you already know that the annual call for...
The Digital Manufacturing Revolution Evolves in 2020 IMTS will offer two comprehensive digital programs, IMTS Network and IMTS Sp...
One of the problems with “tribal knowledge” is that the terminology can confuse those who are not fully immersed in that community. I have lost ...
Don’t confront me with my failures. I have not forgotten them… From These Days by Jackson Browne
Continuing my rant on the difficulties in getting quotes…
“All memorable quotations referring to gearboxes involve expletives.” Peter Wright The author of Fo...
[starbox] After living in the Chicago area for 10 years I have made peace with the congestion, high prices, long commute tim...
“Leadership is the practical application of character.” — R. E. Meinertzhagen
When you work as an engineer for smaller companies you get to wear a lot of hats.
"The beginning of wisdom is calling things by their proper name" -- Chinese proverbWho taught you about gears...